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Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS


Dr. Jonathan Donath is a Chiropractor practicing in West Harrison, NY. Dr. Donath specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Donath seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
18 years Experience
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
  • White Plains, NY
  • UBCC
  • Accepting new patients

Can a chiropractor help with a disc hernia?

Yes, I chiropractor is a great place to start if you have a disc herniation. Look for a chiropractor who specializes in non-surgical spinal decompression. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, READ MORE
Yes, I chiropractor is a great place to start if you have a disc herniation. Look for a chiropractor who specializes in non-surgical spinal decompression. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

What helps disc hernia pain when walking?

I strongly recommend looking into non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. It works better than anything else to heal herniated discs. Icing can be very helpful for discs in READ MORE
I strongly recommend looking into non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. It works better than anything else to heal herniated discs. Icing can be very helpful for discs in the meantime. Twenty minutes of each hour. Better to put a shirt or towel between your skin and the ice so you don't get burned. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

How long is the treatment for middle back pain?

It completely depends on whats causing your mid back pain.

What exercises are good for scoliosis?

Scoliosis is not my particular specialty.

Can scoliosis be fixed through exercise?

Exercises can at times help but you should definitely be watched by a professional because scoliosis can get worse fast. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily READ MORE
Exercises can at times help but you should definitely be watched by a professional because scoliosis can get worse fast. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

What can you do for my scoliosis?

It depends on how large the curve is. Is it causing you pain? How old you are etc.

Can knee arthritis be treated without medications?

Definitely! In so many ways. Research Class 4 lasers, Active Release Techniques, Ice, just to name a few. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director READ MORE
Definitely! In so many ways. Research Class 4 lasers, Active Release Techniques, Ice, just to name a few. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

Is disc hernia serious?

People with disc herniations can have no pain and have 10/10 pain and everything in between. The very best treatment for a herniated disc is called non-surgical spinal decompression READ MORE
People with disc herniations can have no pain and have 10/10 pain and everything in between. The very best treatment for a herniated disc is called non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. I wrote a book on it. I'm happy to email you or anyone else a free copy of it. Just got to my website and ask us to email it to you. The book is called- *The Neck and Back Pain Solution: Everything You Need To Know About Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy. * Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

How long is the treatment for should impingement?

It really depends. Anywhere from a few visits to a few weeks.

Can I exercise with a disc hernia?

I find that it's 50/50. If it feels good when you exercise then it's probably ok (obviously being very smart and careful). If it hurts when you exercise then stop immediately. READ MORE
I find that it's 50/50. If it feels good when you exercise then it's probably ok (obviously being very smart and careful). If it hurts when you exercise then stop immediately. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

What is the treatment for elbow pain?

Depends on the diagnosis. Elbow pain can come from a whole house of different issues.

Can I exercise if I have a disc hernia?

If it doesnt hurt at all you can exercise. If the exercises cause any pain, I would avoid it and go see your chiropractor.

What can cause lower back pain when turning?

It could be any number of things. A disc, a joint, a muscle just to name a few.

Can hip arthritis be treated?

Yes, there are a number of non surgical alternatives.

Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

Yes, if its not improving in its own. Sent from Gmail Mobile

Does shoulder impingement need treatment?

Yes, most definitely. Look for a practitioner who does Active Release Technique on

Can spine pain be fixed with exercises?

Sometimes. Depends on what the problem is.

What type of treatment is effective for shoulder impingement?

Find a provider who does Active Release Techniques.

What can I do with shoulder impingement pain?

Shoulders are complex and you really need to be evaluated by a good practitioner who sees a lot of shoulders. I highly recommend looking for a provider through READ MORE
Shoulders are complex and you really need to be evaluated by a good practitioner who sees a lot of shoulders. I highly recommend looking for a provider through Make sure they are certified in upper extremity. Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS President/Co-founder- Daily Giving Clinic Director - Joint Effort Chiropractic <> 4 Westchester Park Drive Suite 230 White Plains, NY 10604 914-421-1502 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.

How can I treat my neck pain at home?

Icing it will probably help if youre consistent. 20 minutes on and 40 of and repeat at least five times a day. Dont put ice pack straight on your skin. It could burn you. If youre READ MORE
Icing it will probably help if youre consistent. 20 minutes on and 40 of and repeat at least five times a day. Dont put ice pack straight on your skin. It could burn you. If youre not improving, go find a good local chiropractor. Sent from Gmail Mobile