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Dr. Sudeepthi Prasad

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Sudeepthi Prasad is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Fremont, California. Dr. Prasad specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Prasad can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr Prasad can also treat women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the postpartum period. In this specialty, doctors focus on reproductive care from puberty through adulthood.
Dr. Sudeepthi Prasad
  • Fremont, California
  • Bangalore University
  • Accepting new patients

Why am I late on my period even though I am taking birth control pills?

Birth control pills sometimes will completely stop your periods and that is normal. When you stop the pills, you will get your period within a month. If you have not been taking READ MORE
Birth control pills sometimes will completely stop your periods and that is normal. When you stop the pills, you will get your period within a month. If you have not been taking the pills as prescribed, do your pregnancy test. If you have been taking the pills, no period is normal.
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Can you ovulate without LH surge?

Unlikely, LH hormone release is necessary for ovulation.

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What time of day does LH surge happen?

LH surge happens when you ovulate and day of ovulation is determined by your menstrual cycle. Discuss with your OBGyn about your length of menstrual cycles to get help regarding READ MORE
LH surge happens when you ovulate and day of ovulation is determined by your menstrual cycle. Discuss with your OBGyn about your length of menstrual cycles to get help regarding ovulation and LH surge. You can also download an app to track ovulation and that would be helpful.
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No. It is dangerous to do that. Seek medical care please.
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Hormone Levels?

Anovulation (ovary not releasing an egg) due to excess estrogen could cause no period. Since hormones are normal (except estradiol, which is high) and pregnancy test is negative, READ MORE
Anovulation (ovary not releasing an egg) due to excess estrogen could cause no period. Since hormones are normal (except estradiol, which is high) and pregnancy test is negative, you can ask for a prescription for provera for 10 days. You should have a period. Also, get a pelvic ultrasound. You need to follow up with your OBGYN.
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Why can't I get pregnant?

You need to see your OBGyn for initial evaluation for infertility and you can be referred to a fertility specialist by your OBGyn.
Good luck and stay healthy!

Possibly pregnant?

There is really no reason to worry! You can get help and do what you need to. Do your pregnancy test, if positive, see your OBGyn and there are oral medications you can take to READ MORE
There is really no reason to worry! You can get help and do what you need to. Do your pregnancy test, if positive, see your OBGyn and there are oral medications you can take to terminate pregnancy if that’s what you decide to do.
Take care and stay healthy!

Nutritionist thinks I might have Thalassemia?

It is a good idea to have tests done for thalassemia: Hemoglobin electrophoresis(for beta thalassemia) and alpha thal DNA test for alpha thalassemia.
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Does folic acid help you get pregnant fast?

Folic acid prevents spinal cord defects in the baby. It is important to start folic acid 800-1000 mcg or prenatal vitamins at least 3 months before you start trying to get pregnant. Stay READ MORE
Folic acid prevents spinal cord defects in the baby. It is important to start folic acid 800-1000 mcg or prenatal vitamins at least 3 months before you start trying to get pregnant.
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How much sleep should a pregnant woman get in the third trimester?

Your sleep pattern is going to change in your third trimester since you are waking up every 2-3 hours to empty your bladder (pee). Try to get as much sleep as possible so that READ MORE
Your sleep pattern is going to change in your third trimester since you are waking up every 2-3 hours to empty your bladder (pee). Try to get as much sleep as possible so that you are well rested, there are no set hours of sleep recommended. If you have concerns about sleep, have a discussion with your OBGyn.
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Can a baby feel it when you rub your belly?

Babies cannot feel the touch directly but could be transmitted through the amniotic fluid which is the cushion around the baby.
Stay Healthy! Stay Kind!

Is it ok to sleep on your right side while pregnant?

Sleeping position only matters in your third trimester starting 28 weeks. Left lateral position is a good position to avoid compression of blood vessels on your right side. If READ MORE
Sleeping position only matters in your third trimester starting 28 weeks. Left lateral position is a good position to avoid compression of blood vessels on your right side. If you can’t get used to sleeping on your side, try using pillows to prop your upper body at a 45-degree angle or get a “wedge pillow” available on Amazon to avoid back pain when you prop yourself up. This way, you’re not flat on your back and you take the compression off your blood vessels. Alternatively, you can try elevating the head of your bed a couple inches with books or blocks.
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Am I still pregnant?

It is possible that you underwent a miscarriage if you had heavy vaginal bleeding. Consult your OBGyn so they can confirm the miscarriage. If you had no prior ultrasound and nothing READ MORE
It is possible that you underwent a miscarriage if you had heavy vaginal bleeding. Consult your OBGyn so they can confirm the miscarriage. If you had no prior ultrasound and nothing is seen on the scan the day you go to your doctor then pregnancy hormone (hcg) level can be checked.
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When should I stop exercising during pregnancy?

You don't stop exercising unless recommended medically by your OBGyn due to complications in pregnancy. You will slow down in your third trimester, but that's not a reason to stop READ MORE
You don't stop exercising unless recommended medically by your OBGyn due to complications in pregnancy. You will slow down in your third trimester, but that's not a reason to stop exercising. Listen to your body and still walk at least 15 minutes 3 times a day or continue your routine more cautiously.
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What are the best and safest exercises for a pregnant woman?

It depends on the individual patient and lifestyle prior to pregnancy. This could change based on the risks in your pregnancy. Walking and prenatal yoga in general are safe but READ MORE
It depends on the individual patient and lifestyle prior to pregnancy. This could change based on the risks in your pregnancy. Walking and prenatal yoga in general are safe but definitely talk to your OBGyn about your individual exercise regimen.
Stay Healthy!

How much weight should you gain in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy?

Most women don’t gain much weight at all in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and that okay as long as you are eating and drinking enough fluids per your body needs. Your appetite READ MORE
Most women don’t gain much weight at all in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and that okay as long as you are eating and drinking enough fluids per your body needs. Your appetite increases starting 18-20 weeks, then the weight gain will be steady.
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How do I prepare for my first ultrasound?

First ultrasound during pregnancy is usually something to look forward to, even though there Is a little bit of discomfort with vaginal scan , you will be fine. You get to see READ MORE
First ultrasound during pregnancy is usually something to look forward to, even though there Is a little bit of discomfort with vaginal scan , you will be fine. You get to see your baby if everything is normal!!
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What pains are normal in the third trimester?

Everything except your contractions are usually normal. Please check with your OBGyn if you have any pain you are concerned about.
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What is the first thing to do when you find out you are pregnant?

- Do not announce to the world yet, just your partner.
- Call your OBGyn and make an appointment to be seen.
Stay Healthy!

Is a pregnancy ultrasound done on an empty stomach?

No, you can eat before you go in.
Stay Healthy !