OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Is a pregnancy ultrasound done on an empty stomach?

I am a 22 year old female and I am pregnant. Is a pregnancy ultrasound done on an empty stomach?

5 Answers

Not normally. I could see various scenarios where that could come into play. If you are having a routine ultrasound especially early or mid pregnancy than I would come to the ultrasound probably with at least something in your stomach since pregnant women do not tolerate going extended periods of time without something to eat or in their stomach. If in the later stages of pregnancy when you are larger you find it uncomfortable to be reclining with a full stomach then you might want to keep a lesser amount in your stomach. The only scenario where I could envision you might want an empty stomach would be if this was some type of an emergency situation or you might be proceeding to surgery fairly quickly depending on the ultrasound results than having an empty stomach might be needed. hope this helps. Good luck.
So, your stomach is never in the way when you do an ultrasound of the baby, therefore, it does not matter one way or another. 
I hope that this helps, and good luck with your pregnancy.  

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG
Stomach has no relation with pregnancy ultrasound.

Good luck,

Anjan Chaudhury, MD, FACOG
No, you can eat before you go in.
Stay Healthy !
NO. It is not a requirement.