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Michael Panger


Dr. Michael Panger is an anesthesiologist practicing in Charleston, West Virginia. Dr. Panger ensures the safety of patients who are about to undergo surgery. Anestesiologists specialize in general anesthesia, which will (put the patient to sleep), sedation, which will calm the patient or make him or her unaware of the situation, and regional anesthesia, which just numbs a specific part of the body. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Panger also might help manage pain after an operation.
Michael Panger
  • Charleston, West Virginia
  • West Virginia University
  • Accepting new patients

How long does anesthesia stay in the blood?

Half lives for usual sedative drugs are 4 hours. So effects for no more than half a day

Is local anesthesia better than general anesthesia?

Minimal is usually better, however fear is better handled by general anesthesia. Speak to an anesthesiologist about options

My son was given anesthesia before his CT scan and is now drowsy. Is this normal?

Depending on the meds, yes. Ask what meds he was given

I need to undergo a nail removal treatment. Will anesthesia have to be administered for this?

Could be local anesthesia, which would make it easier on you

I am a diabetic and a blood pressure patient. Could anesthesia have any counter interactions during my surgery?

Possibly. Speak to your physician anesthesiologist about those interactions, they are best able to answer those questions

Why do my arms feel numb after surgery?

If you had a nerve block, yes. Could be a positioning issue though. Ask the doctor who administered your anesthesia

Would my diabetic medication have a counter interaction with anesthesia?

Not likely. You need to tell your physician anesthesiologist about your meds though

Is anesthesia in low blood pressure patients risky?

Shouldn't. You will most likely have local anesthesia

I have heard the anesthesia given during C-section can later cause back pain. Is it true?

Studies indicate that spinal anesthesia is very unlikely to cause back pain. Talk to your physician anesthesiologist about your risks though

Can anesthesia have any side effects?

There are a myriad of side effects that can occur in an elderly patient. Speak to your physician anesthesiologist about his specific risks

I have a uterine septum that needs to be removed. What is the safest anaesthesia for me?

Anything from spinal anesthesia to general anesthesia. Talk to your physician anesthesiologist about which is best for you

Can anesthesia lead to neurological issues?

Post operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a well known risk of surgery. Speak with your physician anesthesiologist about his specific risks.

Can anaesthesia for a patient who is on sleeping medicines be dangerous?

Possibly. Speak with your physician anesthesiologist about those specific meds

Is it a must to stop Adderall while getting anaesthesia?

No, doesn't have to. Let your physician anesthesiologist know what he is taking

Is anaesthesia required for a root canal?

Local, not general anesthesia. Wouldn't want to have that without anything to numb the gums

Could I be allergic to anaesthesia?

Nausea and vomiting are very common after C sections. Speak with your physician anesthesiologist about this

I have marijuana in my system. Should I reschedule my tests?

Just tell the physician anesthesiologist in charge of your care, shouldn't be a problem

What treatment should I get for nerve root compression?

You need to talk to your PCP or surgeon