What Is A Mommy Makeover Package?

Scott Farber Plastic Surgeon | Facial Plastic Surgery San Antonio, TX

Dr. Scott J Farber is a board certified, fellowship-trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a sub-specialty in Cranio-Maxillofacial aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. He is one of only two surgeons in the San Antonio area with this specialized fellowship training. Besides having impeccable surgical acumen... more

Motherhood is a beautiful part of life, but it can be difficult for your body to bounce back to how it was before after you have your baby.

The process from pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding is hard on the body, and diet and exercise may be insufficient to get your body to look how you want. Many cosmetic procedures can help, but many plastic surgeons combine these procedures into a mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover is a set of plastic surgery procedures that can give your body the contours you had before pregnancy. Your mommy makeover is tailored to your needs and goals, but it usually includes many of the procedures highlighted below.

Breast Augmentation

Your breasts will probably begin to droop over time because of gravity and aging. But when you become pregnant and then nurse, this process happens faster. As a result, the breasts will usually sag and lose volume, leaving them with a deflated look. 

Breast augmentation gives back the volume you lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Most patients have saline or silicone breast implants, which come in many sizes and shapes.

If you want only a minor increase in size, your surgeon may use fat transfer. This process uses liposuction from your belly or another body area that is transferred to the breasts.

Your breasts probably have sagged somewhat from breastfeeding, so you can also have a breast lift when you have breast augmentation. This procedure removes extra skin and breast tissue and lifts the breasts back to their natural position.


Some women can lose all of their ‘baby weight’ with a healthy diet and exercise. But others may work hard to lose weight and discover some stubborn fat in the belly and sides that they cannot lose.

Liposuction can remove the fat in those stubborn areas and give back your natural contours. Next, your surgeon will probably use tumescent liposuction to remove fat from your abdomen.

This procedure involves injecting the target area with saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine to reduce bleeding, pain and swelling. Then, the surgeon inserts a small cannula to suck out the extra fat and liquid.

You will have some bruising and swelling after liposuction. But after a few weeks, you will see a slimmer, contoured shape in the mirror.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck is a staple of most mommy makeovers. However, the abdominal skin is stretched during pregnancy, and it may not ‘bounce back’ after the child is born. This may leave you with loose, sagging skin above and/or below the belly button.

This loose skin cannot be fixed by losing weight. But a tummy tuck can remove this extra skin, tighten what is left, and give your belly the smooth, flat appearance you crave.

Also, your abdominal muscles may have stretched during pregnancy. Your surgeon can suture the muscles to tighten the abdomen further.

You shouldn’t have a tummy tuck until you are sure you have finished building your family. Getting pregnant again will undo your tummy tuck, and you’ll require another procedure.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer was mentioned earlier for breast augmentation, and this procedure also effectively increases volume in the buttocks. Some women also like to have their fat transferred to their cheeks to increase the volume naturally.

When Is A Good Time To Have A Mommy Makeover?

Deciding when to have a mommy makeover is up to you, but the following factors usually come into play when determining the timing:

  • You should wait at least two or three months after giving birth before having a mommy makeover. This gives your body time to recover and heal before having another procedure.
  • If you want breast implants or a breast lift, you should wait four to six months after you have stopped breastfeeding. Your breasts need this time to go back to their natural shape and size.
  • It’s best to have a breast lift or tummy tuck after you have finished having children. If you get pregnant again, you will undo this work and will need revision surgery.
  • After your mommy makeover, you shouldn’t lift anything more than five or ten pounds for about a month after surgery. If you have small children, you will need someone to help you with them temporarily.


The mommy makeover is popular worldwide for women who want to look as they did before pregnancy. It is an effective combination of procedures that can give you back your pre-pregnancy body. But you should be close to your ideal body weight and be finished building your family before having a mommy makeover.


Mommy Makeover Procedure by Hill Country Plastic Surgery. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.hillcountryplasticsurgery.com/procedures/body/mommy-makeover/

What Is Included In A Mommy Makeover? (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/what-is-included-in-a-mommy-makeover#

Life In Plastic: A Complete Guide To The ‘Mommy Makeover. (2018). Accessed at https://www.allure.com/story/mommy-makeover-guide

What Exactly Is A Mommy Makeover? (2017). Accessed at https://www.isaps.org/blog/exactly-mommy-makeover/