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Dr. Jenny Huang Le, DDS


Dr. Jenny Huang Le DDS is a top Dentist in Utica , . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Jenny Huang Le DDS is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Jenny Huang Le DDS is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Jenny Huang Le DDS is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Utica , NY, Dr. Jenny Huang Le DDS is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
23 years Experience
Dr. Jenny Huang Le, DDS
  • Utica, NY
  • Columbia College of Dental Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Does coffee cause enamel erosion?

Coffee can cause teeth erosion, it’s an acidic beverage. Acidic drinks can damage and thin out the enamel over time, which is acid erosion of teeth. Coffee can also cause dry mouth READ MORE
Coffee can cause teeth erosion, it’s an acidic beverage. Acidic drinks can damage and thin out the enamel over time, which is acid erosion of teeth. Coffee can also cause dry mouth which in term will increase risk of enamel weakening and tooth decay. Sugar and cream that are added to coffee will attract more bacteria to produce acid which can cause acid erosion of
enamel. Drink or rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee can be beneficial.

How do you clean under a dental bridge?

Hi, To clean under a dental bridge, you need to get a crown and bridge flosser. You thread the regular string floss through a stiff loop on one end and then pass the stiff end READ MORE

To clean under a dental bridge, you need to get a crown and bridge flosser. You thread the regular string floss through a stiff loop on one end and then pass the stiff end under the bridge. Gently move the spongy part of the crown and bridge floss between the gum and the base of the bridge, use a back and forth motion to remove plaque under the false tooth. Then you
wrap the spongy floss around the real tooth and slide up and down to clean the tooth. There are other products that can be use to clean under a bridge, such as an inter-dental brush. Many of these products are over the counter in drug stores.

Does the dental hygienist clean your teeth?

Yes, dental hygienist cleans your teeth.

Can tooth decay form under a dental bridge?

Yes, a tooth can decay under a dental bridge. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene for the teeth under a dental bridge to minimize the risk of decay.

How long will my teeth be sore after having braces put on?

Teeth can be sore for a few days or even up to a week after braces are put on.

How do you stop wisdom tooth pain at home?

For temporary pain relief, you can take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain as needed. For severe pain, ibuprofen READ MORE
For temporary pain relief, you can take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain as needed. For severe pain, ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be taken at the same time using the recommended dose. In addition, avoid using the symptomatic wisdom tooth for chewing, keep the surrounding area as clean as possible. Warm salt water rinses and ice packs can help. Definitely try to get evaluated by a dentist as soon as possible to avoid taking OTC pain medications for prolong period of time.

My son is sucking his thumb with adult teeth. What can happen?

Thumb sucking after permanent teeth come in can cause teeth alignment problems, changes to the roof of the mouth, and improper growth of the mouth. Thumb sucking can cause open READ MORE
Thumb sucking after permanent teeth come in can cause teeth alignment problems, changes to the roof of the mouth, and improper growth of the mouth. Thumb sucking can cause open bite, which is gap or space between upper and lower front teeth when teeth are fully biting.

Is dry mouth possible because of my inhaler?

Asthma can cause dry mouth because asthmatic people are more likely to breathe through their mouth and the medicines in the inhaler can further dry out their mouth. Asthma inhalers READ MORE
Asthma can cause dry mouth because asthmatic people are more likely to breathe through their mouth and the medicines in the inhaler can further dry out their mouth. Asthma inhalers can also cause irritations in the back roof of the mouth causing sores and thrusts. Maintaining good oral hygiene by rinsing with water and brushing your teeth after inhaler use can counteract the negative effects of using asthma inhalers. Adequate hydration will help with symptoms of dry mouth. If symptoms persist or worsen, ask your medical doctor to evaluate the inhaler you are using and perhaps switch to a different one if possible. Visit your dentist for a dental exam and to discuss any concerns.

Can my abscess go away on its own?

Abscess will not go away on its own. Abscess needs treatment as soon as possible; it can turn into more serious life-threatening infections if left untreated. Visit a dentist if READ MORE
Abscess will not go away on its own. Abscess needs treatment as soon as possible; it can turn into more serious life-threatening infections if left untreated. Visit a dentist if you have a dental abscess.

Does a wisdom tooth need to be removed?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted. If wisdom teeth are healthy, fully erupted (fully grown) in good position, have good occlusion with the opposing tooth/teeth, and are READ MORE
Not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted. If wisdom teeth are healthy, fully erupted (fully grown) in good position, have good occlusion with the opposing tooth/teeth, and are able to be cleaned properly, then they don’t need to be removed. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms and/or changes around the area of wisdom teeth, such as pain, discomfort, extensive decay, crowding of other teeth, damages to nearby teeth, gum disease, infection, cyst, tumors, then you may need to consider removal of the wisdom teeth. A dental check-up may be necessary to address any further concerns.

What is the importance of using dental floss?

Flossing is very important, it helps to clean surfaces that are in between the teeth, and therefore help to reduce decay and gum disease risks.