Healthy Living

How to Prepare for Hydrocelectomy

How to Prepare for Hydrocelectomy

Hydrocelectomy refers to a surgical procedure done for the purpose of repairing or removing a hydrocele, a buildup of watery fluid around one or both testicles. This sac swells as fluid accumulates, causing discomfort but usually no pain. Since hydrocelectomy involves a sensitive part of the anatomy, the procedure may seem scary. However, it is considered a relatively minor procedure, since most patients can go home the same day. 

Hydrocelectomy involves a number of body parts. The surgical procedure will involve the spermatic cord, scrotum, tunica vaginalis, and other nerves and blood vessels around the scrotum. Most of these body organs or parts are affected during the procedure in one way or another. However, there is no need for panic.

Preparation for Hydrocelectomy

Hydrocelectomy is not an altogether simple, risk-free procedure, bearing in mind that it involves the genitals. In most cases, people who are to undergo a hydrocelectomy get scared and stressed. Knowing you are going to undergo a surgery can lead to further fear and stress. However, there are ways to prepare for the procedure and feel better about it. Fear no more, here they are:

     1. Understand the Surgery

Understanding hydrocelectomy in and out will help you prepare well for the procedure. It will also help you prepare for the unknown. To reduce panic and stress, get to know some basic things about the surgery. These include how it is done, its benefits, purpose, and risks, the body parts involved, and how to recover from it.

To help you understand hydrocelectomy, here are some of the things you are supposed to understand. Why is this surgery done? The procedure is done to accomplish two things:

  • To remove the painful swelling in the scrotum
  • To help repair your genitals from the condition causing the hydrocele (In infants and children, congenital inguinal hernia is usually the cause; in men, it is most often trauma to the scrotum or groin area, or an infection of the testicles.) 

You should also go further into discovering some of the benefits associated with the surgery. Doing so will help allay your fears and help you feel comfortable about the process. Here are the benefits of hydrocelectomy:

  • It removes the fluid in your scrotum, restoring your comfort and well-being. You will no longer have to worry about any pain and discomfort associated with the swelling.
  • You will regain your confidence. Hydroceles cause many men a lot of embarrassment and woes concerning their sex lives.
  • It is a simple procedure that deals with your problem once and for all, unlike medicinal treatment that may have to be endured for a long time before the condition improves.

      2. Talk To Your Doctor About Your Medication

This is one of the most important factors that very many people forget to talk about. In some cases, patients suffer terrible effects as a result of medicine they took or were taking before the surgery. Talk to your doctor about any medicine or herbal supplement you are taking or products you are using. This will allow your doctor identify any substance you are taking that may interfere with the anesthesia, causing you to feel pain during and after surgery, or that may increase bleeding if you do not stop taking it in advance.

     3. Find Someone To Take Care Of You

Like most surgical procedures, hydrocelectomy may take quite a while to heal and recover from. This means that you may not be able to take care of yourself. It is therefore recommended that you find someone who can take care of you after the surgery.

Before you have healed, walking and working may be a problem. Find someone close to feed you and do your household chores.

     4. A Means of Transport Is Important

It is a surgical procedure involving your genitals. Due to this, walking will not be easy. You certainly do not want any difficulties getting home in comfort after the surgery. Many hospitals recommend that you have a means of transport and not have to drive yourself home. This ensures a safe, smooth experience moving from the hospital back to your home after the surgery.

An important part of preparing for hydrocelectomy is fully disclosing to your doctor other underlying health conditions you may have or have had. You should especially include any previous diseases or injuries relating to the surgical site.

Before Surgery

These are some of the things you have to remember before your surgery:

    1. About Eating

You are not allowed to eat or drink anything eight hours before your surgery. Nothing. Not gum, not coffee, not tea. However, in some cases, the doctor may advise you to take some nevessary medicine but with only a sip of water.

    2. About Bathing

Always take a bath before going to the hospital for surgery. Remember that you are not allowed to use any cologne, lotion, or deodorant as your surgery approaches.

    3. About Jewelry

Make sure you are not wearing any jewelry when you go into the surgery room.

    4. About Shaving

Do not shave the surgical site. This is to prevent anything that might interfere with the surgical procedure.


Other Important Measures You Should Take

You must tell your physician about allergic reactions you have had to anesthesia, if any. This will allow your doctor to find you the type of anesthesia that is safe for you.

Let the doctor examine you for other health conditions to avoid any complications during the surgery.

For those who drink, always adhere to the doctor's instructions. The doctor will give guidelines concerning when and for how long you should stop drinking anything alcoholic. It is important to stick to these instructions to avoid any complications.

If you have diabetes, you have to get or keep your blood sugar levels within the normal range. If this is not achieved, your doctor should control the condition before the surgery.

The Bottom Line

Hydrocelectomy is a short but sensitive surgical procedure. It takes only thirty minutes to get the surgery done. However, preparing for the procedure is very important and affects your outlook and feelings about the procedure. Ask your doctor in advance about anything you do not understand.