Healthy Living

What Is Physical Therapy?

What is Physical Therapy?

Many diseases, disorders, and habits can potentially prevent you from carrying out an individual's typical day-to-day activities. Physical therapy is a treatment option to relieve pain and to help people who suffer from disorders, injuries, and diseases to get back into their daily routine. It helps you to improve the muscle and limb functions and get back in to your general health guiding you back to your normal state. The main aim of this technique is to help the person do everyday activities, like walking and climbing stairs, without much difficulty. This treatment option is recommended for many after a surgery and long-term injuries.

Physical therapy is also recommended for:

  • Persistent back pain
  • Arthritis and associated problems
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
  • Problems with spine
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Problems with tendons, ligaments, and muscles

This can be done at home or in a clinic in combination with treatments for a speedy recovery. The plan of treatment for a specific condition is based on the health of the person. Before working on improving the functionality, flexibility, and strength of the muscles, swelling in the affected area should be reduced.

Exercise is one of the major components of physical therapy. A variety of exercises include strength training, core exercises, and weight training as a part of the physical therapy plan. A physical therapist will sketch a detailed plan of exercises based on the health condition and needs of the person. If the person is at home, the workout can be planned accordingly.

Other major components of physical therapy include:

  • Education and awareness
  • Medical techniques like electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound
  • Manual therapy

Physical therapy is ideal for long-term results in many conditions like:

  • To reduce the risk of injury
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Prevent falls
  • Recover from conditions like a stroke
  • Live with medical issues like diabetes

Physical therapy will help in teaching how to prevent or manage health issues and provide the much needed motivation to continue treatment. It also helps in preventing loss of mobility by planning a program based on the specific needs.