Healthy Living

What Are White 377 Pills: Usage, Dosage and Effects

White 377 pills are oval-shaped tablets that contain tramdol hydrochloride. Learn more.

What Are White 377 Pills: Usage, Dosage and Effect


The 377 pill is an elliptical or oval-shaped, white-colored tablet with an imprint of "377". It has been identified to contain tramadol hydrochloride in the strength of 50 mg. This tablet is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. The size of this tablet is 13 mm. It is only available as a prescription from the doctor. This medicine is known to belong to the narcotic analgesic drug class. Tamadol Price varies according to pharmacy and country. This drug has several brand names, but the most commonly used brand is Ultram.

The 377 pill is mostly used for treating moderate to severe form of pain. This pill tends to alter the way our body feels and responds to pain. It is known to be quite effective in managing pain. These pills are known to be highly effective since they are narcotic in nature. However, this drug is mostly prescribed only for short-term use and should not be used for a longer duration to avoid leading to drug abuse.

It is usually given after an individual has undergone surgery or an accident. It is used to relieve pain for a short duration during the healing process. Below are the other types of pain, which can be treated with the help of the 377 pill:

Few individuals also use this medicine recreationally. These individuals must have initially received a prescription to manage their pain and must have continued taking the pills even after their prescription had expired or simply start to abuse the drug.

This medicine is highly addictive and taking it simply to get high can lead to serious consequences or side effects. It can even lead to death if wrongly abused.

Important Information

  • Individuals should avoid taking this medicine if they have severe breathing issues, if they have an intestinal obstruction, or if they have recently used sedatives, MAO inhibitors, other types of narcotic medication, alcohol, or tranquilizers.
  • Do not misuse this medicine since it has a tendency to slow down one's breathing and can also turn out to be habit-forming. Keep this medicine out of reach from children or any other person who has not been prescribed this medicine but has the tendency to misuse the drug.
  • This medicine is not recommended for children younger than 12 years old. The brand Ultram ER should not be prescribed for anyone who is younger than 18 years old.
  • Let the doctor know if you are pregnant or planning to conceive since this drug can be life-threatening and may also cause certain withdrawal symptoms in the newborn baby.
  • If this medicine is used along with the consumption of alcohol, then it can lead to dangerous side effects such as drowsiness or slow breathing.
  • Those who have a medical history of seizures should use this medicine with caution since the use of tramadol is known to cause seizures.
  • Avoid crushing the tablet. This medicine should be taken orally as a whole. The powder from the crushed tablet should not be diluted with any liquid and it should not be inhaled. It should not be injected in the body or else it can lead to serious consequences. An overdose can lead to coma or death.
  • Let the doctor know if you are breastfeeding or nursing a baby.

To ensure that this medicine is safe for you, let the doctor know if you ever had any of the medical conditions: 

  • Stomach-related diseases or disorders
  • Kidney problem
  • Mental illness
  • Had suicidal attempts
  • Liver disease 
  • Intake of sedatives such as tranxene, diazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, and midazolam


This medicine should be taken exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Make sure to follow all the doctor's instructions or you can also check the label of the medicine for more details on its usage and dosage.

There are chances that tramadol can slow down or stop the breathing of an individual. It usually occurs when you start using this medicine or whenever the dosage of this medicine is changed. Avoid taking larger amounts of this medicine. Moreover, it should not be taken for a longer duration.

Let the doctor know if the medicine is not working the way it should be when it comes to providing pain relief. Once you start taking this medicine with the guidance of the doctor, stop taking other types of around-the-clock narcotic pain medications.

The 377 pill can be taken either with or without food, but ensure to take it the same way on a regular basis. Store this medicine at room temperature and away from heat and moisture. Ensure to keep track of the amount of medicine being used from the bottle, so that you are aware if anyone has been using the medicine from the bottle without a proper prescription.

Since this medicine is mostly used for pain, there are less chances that it can be missed, but in case you miss a dose, then take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is already time for the next dose. Do not take extra doses of the medicine to avoid an overdose.

This medicine is known to impair your thinking and reactions, so avoid driving or using any machinery until you are well aware of the effects of this drug. Another side effect of this drug is dizziness, which may lead to falls or accidents. For this reason, avoid carrying out any activities that would need mental alertness.


  • Adult Dosage for Pain: The immediate-release dosage would be 50 mg to 100 mg to be taken orally with an interval of four to six hours or on an as-needed basis to relieve pain. The maximum dose recommended by the doctor can be 400 mg per day. In the case of individuals who are above 75 years old, the maximum recommended dose should not exceed 300 mg per day.
  • Pediatric Dose for Pain: This dose is for individuals who are 17 years old and above. The immediate-release tablet dose should be 50 mg to 100 mg to be taken orally every four to six hours according to pain experienced. The maximum dose out here can be 300 mg a day.

For those patients who are suffering from moderate to moderately severe chronic pain and not needing a rapid onset of analgesic effect can initially start a dosage of 25 mg to be taken orally once a day. This can be titrated in the increments of 25 mg in every three days to reach the dosage level of 25 mg to be taken four times a day. Thereafter, the dosage can be increased to 50 mg as tolerated by the individual in every three days to reach the dose of 50 mg to be taken four times a day.

Side Effects

Below are some of the common side effects that can occur during the course of tramadol treatment:

Although rare, the drug also has some serious side effects if the dosage instruction and usage are not properly followed. The serious side effects may include: 

Immediately inform your doctor if you experience any of these side effects. Another probable side effect would be low levels of cortisol, wherein the following symptoms are experienced:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Worsening condition of weakness or tiredness
  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea

At times, few individuals may also experience severe skin reactions leading to symptoms such as:

  • Sore throat
  • Burning sensation in the eyes
  • Painful skin followed by a skin discoloration (turning red or purple)
  • A skin rash that quickly spreads, especially on the face and upper body
  • Skin blistering and peeling 

Seek immediate medical help if anyone faces symptoms related to the serotonin syndrome. Its symptoms would include:

An elderly individual would have an increased risk of suffering from the drug's serious side effects. Aside from older adults, people who are overweight, debilitated, and malnourished should take this medicine with a lot of care. Taking this medicine for a long time may also affect the fertility of both men and women. However, it is still unclear whether the effects of opioids on fertility is permanent or temporary. 


As previously mentioned, this pill can be addictive. Individuals who have recently taken large amounts of opiate agonists tend to experience withdrawal symptoms after tramadol treatment. This drug is not recommended for individuals who are inclined to drug abuse, those who have a history of opiate agonist dependence, and those who are taking opiate agonists for a long time. 

The drug's extended-release tablets could be abused by injecting the dissolved pill, snorting, crushing, or chewing, which often lead to an uncontrolled delivery of opioid that could result in an overdose or even death. 

Few of the symptoms of a drug overdose include a slow breathing pattern and an irregular or slow heartbeat. In worse situations, an overdose can lead to coma, seizures, or death.

Drug Interactions

These white-colored pills can lead to some deadly drug interactions if they are taken along with other medications. Thus, it is important to inform the doctor about the medications you have taken or currently taking whether over-the-counter medicine, prescription drugs, vitamins, or dietary and herbal supplements.

Moreover, do not start, stop, or change any dosage or medicine without your doctor's recommendation. Below are the types of drugs that can lead to serious drug interactions with the 377 pill:

  • Drugs that can have an impact on the serotonin levels of the body: These medications include drugs for depression, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, certain types of infections, or reducing symptoms such as nausea or vomiting.
  • Narcotic drugs: They would include opioids, prescription cough medicines, and pain-relieving medications.
  • Medications that can slow down the rate of breathing or can make you drowsy: These medications would include sedatives, muscles relaxers, sleeping pills, antipsychotic medications, and tranquilizer.

HIV medications such as ritonavir and MAO inhibitors can also cause serious drug interactions when taken with tramadol.