Childbirth Class Options

1 What are Childbirth Class Options?

Childbirth classes provide education to parents about delivery, labor including non-medication methods of managing the pain of childbirth as breathing and relaxation, and postpartum issues. Most of the classes start when the mother is about seven months pregnant.

The obstetrician and the family doctor can help parents to choose the classes. Most common classes in the U.S. are the Lamaze technique and Bradley method.

Lamaze technique

It is most commonly used the method of childbirth and it supports birth as a natural process and helps women to find which way is better and more comfortable for her during labor and birth. Also, Lamaze does not discourage or support using medications and medical interventions during delivery and labor.

The class takes about 12 hours and parents learn, among other things, about: massage and relaxation techniques to ease the pain, support during labor, body positioning for labor and birth and breastfeeding.

The Bradley method

Using this method, the mother is prepared to deliver without pain medications with the baby’s father or another person as a birth coach, but also prepares parents for the possibility of unexpected situations, like emergency cesarean section.

The course takes about 12 hours and the mother and the birth coach learn, among other things, about: relaxation techniques for pain, labor rehearsals, guidance for the coach about supporting the mother and postpartum care.

Alexander technique

This method improves freedom of movement, balance, and flexibility during pregnancy and labor so women during pregnancy have weekly lessons about how to improve comfort during pregnancy, how to increase pushing effectiveness during delivery and how to ease the discomfort of nursing.

HypnoBirthing or Mongan method

This method uses a relaxed natural childbirth education approach enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques during labor to shorten the labor and reduce pain. It takes five classes by 2, 5 hour or four classes by three hours.

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