Internist Questions Headache

Are headaches and vision issues a sign of a neurological issue?

Lately, headaches and vision issues have been an issue for me--and I think they are connected in some way. Mainly because they often come together. My vision get blurry when I have a headache, and vice versa. Could both of these symptoms be connected and have a neurological cause?

5 Answers

That is possible, but by no means certain. (Migraines typically cause both.) You should see a neurologist.
It's possible that they are related. See an ophthalmologist.
Yes likely this could be migraine related which often causes visual issues followed by a headache
Absolutely true. But don't go to a neurologist for blurred vision as their training in Neurological Ophthalmic issues is usually quite poor. See an Ophthalmologist, preferably a neuro-ophthalmologist as they can address these issues in great detail and make a referral to a neurologist if necessary.
Yes. It could be a migraine associated with visual disturbance. Have a neurological check.