Plastic Surgeon | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Questions Plastic Surgeon

Breast reduction stitches?

I am one week post-op. My stitches have started to hurt more on the sides. Is this a normal part of healing? They did not previously hurt this past week.

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: None

8 Answers

Check with your surgeon to be sure you don't have an early infection
The best answer can only come from your surgeon. So what I’d recommend is for you to make an appointment rather sooner than later
You need to speak to your surgeon
Yes, in most cases thus is quite normal. A breast reduction is a big operation requiring many stitches so it wouldn’t be unusual to cause some discomfort as you are healing. Pain associated with redness, new onset swelling, or discoloration and or drainage that is new warrants a call to your doctor to ensure you are undergoing the normal course of healing
You should call your doctor and be seen as soon as possible.
You really have to check in with your surgeon about this sort of question. The answer might be a simple one or you might be developing an infection. Someone should examine you.
Dr. Mes
It depends on your surgeon and how their suturing technique is. It will also depend on the types of sutures that were used for your surgery. If the pain persists, I would see your surgeon.
Occasionally, stitches that are buried under the skin can work their way to the surface and become irritating. This doesn't necessarily mean there is any problem. I would encourage you to follow up with your surgeon for evaluation to rule out any infection or other concerning issues that can arise in the postoperative setting.

Cedric Hunter, MD