Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Can a pinched nerve affect the whole body?

I am a 49 year old female. I wonder if a pinched nerve can affect the whole body?

4 Answers

Normally, no. Diffuse symptoms are normally from a Rheumatologic disease, Lyme disease or autoimmune disease.
No. In fact, a "pinched nerve" may cause symptoms -- pain, weakness, numbness, tingling -- in the area of the body supplied by the nerve (i.e., arm, leg, fingers, or toes). But there can be MULTIPLE "pinched nerves" that can cause more diffuse symptoms -- but again, only in the anatomic areas supplied by the involved nerves.
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Depending on where your nerve is pinched, it could affect your whole body. Otherwise, the stress from pain of having a pinched nerve can affect your whole body.
Probably not, although a pinched SPINAL CORD in the neck can affect MOST of the body. Having said that, a "pinched nerve" can have secondary effects such as compensatory positioning, headaches, and other reflexive adjustments that can effect other parts of the body.