Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can a psychiatrist help with OCD?

I was diagnosed with OCD. Is it serious? Can a psychiatrist help with OCD?

5 Answers

Yes of course. Typically a SSRI or med that can boost serotonin levels help with OCD.

Hope that’s helps.
Stay health and safe
There are two major approaches to OCD - cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication. A psychiatrist is the best choice for handling the medication piece because OCD can be tricky to treat. Often the doses of medications need to be higher than that used to treat depression. Also, combinations of medications are often needed to fully control OCD symptoms.
Definitely yes!
OCD is as serious as the symptoms you have. If your symptoms are minor and it does not impact your daily functioning, then it's minor. If your symptoms are severe and they are impacting your daily functioning, then it is severe. OCD is an anxiety disorder and can be treated with medication and/or psychotherapy.

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