Dentist Questions Periodontist

Can the gum recession be stopped?

I have gum recession. Can the gum recession be stopped?

5 Answers

Yes. Gum recession can be stopped.
Yes! You can help stop gum recession by using a soft toothbrush and circular motions when brushing. Ultrasonic toothbrushes give the most thorough clean while also protecting the gum tissues. Remember, you want to keep your teeth clean but not push so hard with the toothbrush that you cause damage. Other ways to stop gum recession including consulting with your dentist or a periodontist for a gum graft.
Yes gingival recession can be stopped and in some cases reversed, please visit your professional for treatment options
Gums recede for different reasons, need to find the cause first. After cause is determined, then you can plan how to stop it. So yes you can stop gun recession.
Gum recession can be stopped or minimized when you work with a biological dentist who analyzes your oral health including oral microbiome. This provider should be building you a personalized at home care including what supplements and nutrient will help you. Please contact us at (206) 728-1330 or visit our website at to learn more about our services and how we can help you.