Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you drain a gum abscess at home?

I have a gum abscess and want to treat it. How do you drain a gum abscess at home?

3 Answers

Gum abscess may be linked to large tooth or gum problems. Abscess is indicative of an active infection. Please go see a dentist before attempting at-home treatment.
The proper way to drain a gum abscess ( also called gum-boil ) to go to see a dental profession. However, If you cannot get a dental appointment any time soon and you want to do DIY at home. Then, A second proper way is to get the following items-- A sterilized needle ( from sewing) , Isopropal ( Rubbing) Alcohol, some topical anesthetics gel ( such as Orajel, Anbesol or similar), a cotton Q tip, a clean gauze, mouth wash or dilute Hydrogen peroxide. Here are the simple steps. (i) Clean your mouth with either antiseptic mouthwash or dilute peroxide solution ( 1 Peroxide : 2 water ratio ). (2) Use the q tip, apply / rub some topical anesthetic gel onto the gum abscess area for 1 to 2 minutes. (3) Sterilize you sewing needle with either isopropal alcohol, or matches or cigarette lighter. (4) once your gum is numb, insert the sterilized needle into the abscess.( 5) wiggle the tip of the needle in circular motion for a few times to promote drainage. (6) Then, remove the needle, use a clean gauze to squeeze the whitish pus out until you see either clear fluid or clear blood oozing out. (7) On the subsequent days, continue to use warm salt water to rinse until you see your dentist. Hope that will help.
You can lance it with a sterilized needle and milk it with your finger from the cheek up to the tooth to get it draining. Warm salt water rinses also help. The source of the infection will still be there however, and you need professional treatment to get rid of the source of the infection. Each time a gum abscess happens you lose more bone, even if there is not a lot of pain.