Dentist Questions Dentist

How many times can a filling be replaced?

I am a 27 year old male. I want to know how many times can a filling be replaced?

3 Answers


It can be replaced a dozen times in theory. However, every time it is replaced, you typically lose a little more tooth structure depending on the doc and why it’s being replaced.

Dr. J
That question has a somewhat ambiguous answer. Fillings can be done as long as there is enough tooth structure support a filling to be done on it. When you get to a certain amount of tooth structure missing from a tooth, it becomes a high risk of catastrophic failure-fracture. Before that happens, it is wise to place a crown restoration instead of a filling to prevent fracture and potential need of subsequent root canal therapy and/or crown lengthening or removal.
There is not a limit. But if a filling in the tooth is not staying, then it may be time to put a crown covering the entire tooth.