Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I can barely remember?

I can barely remember things my memory is getting worse and worse and I have bad headaches.

Female | 22 years old
Medications: none
Conditions: Memory loss

4 Answers

Please make an appointment to see your internist, who might refer you to a neurologist and also a neuropsychologist for assessments. It's important to rule out an organic cause for your symptoms.
Just a quick answer (because a longer answer is not possible without more information), get your B12 and folate levels checked (and vit D while you're at it). I diagnose and treat many such cases in my neurology practice (and sometimes by telemedicine).
An in-depth medical evaluation is needed! There is brain dysfunction which can be caused by either drugs, medications, trauma, infections (which obviously include COVID-19), etc.
This is outside my expertise and a medical condition should be first ruled out but that said take a peak at...