Dermatologist Questions Podiatrist

I have a mole on my feet?

I found a mole that is 1.5 inches in size on my foot about three months ago. I wonder what it is. It has not disappeared since it was found three months ago. It does not cause any pain. Do you think that it requires a biopsy to find what it is?

Female | 40 years old
Medications: Norethindrone acetate tab 5mg

18 Answers

I also recommend a biopsy for any new asymmetric lesions.
It may be benign but a biopsy would confirm for sure.
How long? Could be a hematoma or suspect otherwise, Biopsy needed or an incision and drainage if soft with fluid.
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Have the biopsy done to make sure it is not something concerning. It looks like it could be hematoma from some type of trauma in the area but Biopsy first.
Recommend biopsy for definitive diagnosis.
Hi, Generally, a mole of this size don't just appear, likely it is a symptom of something internal, I would recommend a biopsy. please seek the help of a dermatologist or a podiatrist near you.
Yes. If this is new it should be seen by a dermatologist immediately.
Good evening the best thing to do is to have biopsy. To make sure that it is not malignant. I would see a Podiatrist or a Dermatologist a soon as possible. It may be nothing at all but the best thing to do is have it checked and Biopsy.
If it is a mole, it needs to be biopsied-particularly if it is that large and you have never noted it before. However, it does look like it could also be a blood blister/bleeding beneath the skin surface. You should absolutely have it checked.
Good evening
I would recommend whoever you see, they do a biopsy first
Any hyperpigmented lesion that has an irregular shape needs to get a biopsy.

This may be nothing, but something that size should be evaluated in person. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options
So, typically when I look at a pigmented lesion, I perform the abcde’s of pigmented lesions. Is the lesion asymmetrical, are the borders irregular, are the colors irregular/changing or non uniform, is the diameter greater than 6mm, and is the lesion evolving or elevated. But, due to having the lesion on your heel for over 3 months, I would recommend a punch biopsy to
be safe.
At first glance, it looks like a possible hematoma. However, it will be best to have a podiatrist have a closer look to determine if a biopsy is necessary.
It would be best to have a biopsy as soon as possible.
Of course any time there is a visible abnormal skin lesion with irregular margins, changes in coloration, and enlargement over time the lesion needs to be biopsied and possibly excised. Do not procrastinate, seek medical consultation soon. I would recommend you consult with a Board Certified Podiatric Surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgery.
My best advice to you is to seek your primary care physician, or a dermatologist have them evaluated and do a biopsy if necessary. This is nothing that can be answered by asking a question you need professional advice. Thank you Dr. Gorman
it is difficult to tell of that is blood deep under your skin or a "mole" from the picture, but I 100% wound biopsy something that showed up abruptly of that size. That can be done with dermatology or a podiatrist .