Surgeon Questions surgeon

Is a hiatal hernia serious?

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. What are the treatment options?

4 Answers

If your symptoms of reflux are managed with medications that control your stomach acid then that is all you need. If it is not then special tests will need to be performed to see if you will need surgery to control your symptoms and what type of surgery. Hope this helps.
It can be serious. Hiatal hernias can lead to ulcers, and rarely strangulation of the stomach, but most commonly cause acid reflux which can lead to esophageal cancer. Seek out a foregut surgeon expert in your area, or contact 732-640-5316 to schedule a virtual consultation with me.
If you have symptoms related to your hiatal hernia, repair is generally recommended. Symptoms include reflux (heartburn), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Some patients may also experience chest pain, hoarseness, or a cough. Treatment is surgery to return the stomach from the chest into the abdomen and to tighten the hole in the diaphragm. Medication may help with reflux symptoms, but it will not cure the hernia.
Surgery, if there is any pain or discomfort.