Plastic Surgeon Questions Botox

Is botox bad for you?

I am considering getting botox treatment for wrinkles after some of my friends have done the same thing. However I am not too familiar and can't help but wonder about potential side effects. Otherwise I am relatively healthy (age 67).

20 Answers

Hello and thank you for your question. You state in your question that you are considering receiving a treatment of Botox, but you are wondering about the potential side effects of such treatment.

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a naturally occurring molecule that can reduce muscle activity in the area that it is injected. As a result of the decrease in muscle tone, the wrinkles that usually form with our strong expression are temporarily eliminated. It has proven to be a safe and efficient treatment for reducing wrinkles even with long-term use. The important things to be careful about are:

1. Ensure you are receiving your treatment from someone well trained. Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists usually have the most experience administering this treatment
2. Ensure that you are receiving your botox injections in the context of a comprehensive anti-aging plan - that means a good moisturizer, a good anti-wrinkle cream, and a schedule for the injections.
3. Depending on the depth of your wrinkles, you may need to have the injections repeated every 6-9 months.
4. Several studies have shown that although the lines do recur in the short-term as the Botox wears off, in the long-term you can maintain a noticeable reduction in the depth of wrinkles.
5. Potential side effects include droopy eyelid (often the result of poor injection technique, asymmetric results, or mild irritation at the site of injection).
6. If you do not like the idea of repeated injections, then you can discuss longer-term options such as plasma helium resurfacing or CO2 laser resurfacing depending on your skin type.

Good luck.
You can rest assured that the safety of Botox has been well established over the past 15 years. It has been injected into millions of people with little to no side effects when injected by an experienced expert injector. Problems are more related to unqualified or inexperienced injectors rather than the product itself. You will see dramatic results yet very natural. Best of luck
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No, It is the most common injectable and is FDA approved
That is a great question. Botox is a medication and like all medications it can have side effects. However, the risks are very low. Most common complaint is bruising at the site of the injection and temporary headaches. In most cases these are very temporary. Botox is otherwise a very popular product injected safely millions of times each year with a very high patient satisfaction profile.

Dr. Zandifar
Botox is an excellent temporary treatment for wrinkles. It usually lasts 3-6 months but is not a permanent fix. The side effects are minimal, usually related to a lazy evebrow or eyelid that commonly corrects in a couple of weeks. Just be sure that your being administered FDA approved Botox (not some off label cheaper substitute) by a specialty trained injector. A facelift may give longer improvement in facial wrinkling but it does involve surgery and is more expensive. LASER treatments are also effective in decreasing wrinkling, so you do have other options.
Completely safe in right hands!!
No. Botox injections are not dangerous when administered by a well trained practitioner within the rules and regulations established by the FDA and the governing Boards of medical specialties.
Botox is very effective in the treatment of facial wrinkles as well as headaches.
Look for a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgeon or Dermatologist.
Botox is extremely safe. The only problem is it only lasts 3 months. Please try it, you will love it.
Botox and other brands of the neurotoxin which is "botulinum toxin", are FDA approved medications which are widely used. They are safe and have minimal potential side effects when they are used properly and administered by physicians who have the required training and experience.
They can be used cosmetically to make the face look younger. They also have therapeutic uses such as migraine headache treatment. You can consider having a consultation with a physician such as a plastic surgeon before deciding upon a treatment. They can explain to you in person more details regarding whether this would be a good treatment for you!
Thank you for your question. I would recommend that you be seen by a board certified plastic surgeon, or dermatologist who can advise you on you options. In my practice I have found side effects to minimum in that Botox didn't take in some patients, however that has been about 3 patients in twenty years in practice. The remainder of my patients have been satisfied with the treatment and its results. I wish you the best of luck
Good morning, Botox is made up of a Neurotixin which paralyzes muscles. In extremely low doses it is used locally to paralyze muscles, stopping their contraction and smoothing out the wrinkles of the skin above those muscles. In small doses, it is safe. It is also temporary, lasting 3-6 months. The body develops antibodies to it and therefore it disappears. Repeat injections are always needed. Please go to a physician who is extremely familiar with the anatomy of the face, such as a cosmetic or plastic surgeon. There are side effects which are usually due to injection into the wrong muscle or too much injection which spreads to unwanted muscles, causing droopy eyelids which can last up to a month. Otherwise, Botox is widely used and extremely safe. Good luck!
There are minimal side effects from Botox. Locally it causes paralysis of
muscles but there are really no systemic effects.
I have personally used Botox for years and the only significant side effects are bruising and occasional unintentional spreading.

Carol Hathaway, MD
It is very safe if injected properly. Any side effects are minor and temporary. Mostly some busing
Thank you for your question. Botox is useful in reducing the appearance of wrinkles that have only recently appeared and formed, also known as dynamic wrinkles. Botox reduces the activity of the muscles that cause wrinkles such as frown lines, worry lines and crow's feet. Botox works by temporarily blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscles, thereby reducing muscle movement and causing wrinkles to relax and soften. If too much Botox is injected above your eyebrows or if some Botox migrates into the levator palpebrae muscle that elevates the upper eyelid, you will have a droop of your eyelid. It is best to have an in person consultation with a plastic surgeon to assess you properly.
the BOTOX is not bad it is a good preventive testament. I do it for me!!
Botox is a neuromodulator. That means it works at the nerve and muscle junction. It is designed to stop certain very specific muscles from contracting by using a very tiny dose. The muscles that are targeted pull the skin together and they cause wrinkles. By relaxing those muscles, the skin smoothens. It takes several days to take effect and lasts about three to four months. In these tiny doses, the only side effect is if the Botox is placed near an unintended muscle, it could paralyze that muscle instead of the correct one and the effect would wear off and return to normal when the Botox wears off. Typically, this can be a droopy eyebrow or droopy eyelid. Botox can be unsafe if you have a rare disease that affects how your muscles work, such as myasthenia gravis.
Botox is considered safe and effective for reduction of facial wrinkles caused by muscles of facial expression.
I can tell you that Botox is one of the safest medications I have ever seen used in the world of medicine. Really. I wouldn't inject it in my wife if I thought there were any significant concerns. On occasion, someone may get a bruise from the injection, but that is not a reflection of the actual drug.

John M. Hilinski, M.D.
Thank you for your inquiry.

Botox is not recommended in patients with known allergies or reactions to botulinum toxin, a history of neuromuscular disorders, or cardiac disease. It is used in a wide range of conditions, medical and cosmetic, and is very safe when properly administered.