OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Gynecology Questions OB-GYN

Itchy vulva?

My vagina is itchy and the discharge is like cottage cheese. The itching stopped for a while then it started again on its own. I even took an iPill 1 week ago.

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 3weeks

3 Answers

You have some Togo of vaginitis. The description resembles a yeast infection & can cause itching. It can happen to anyone. See it particularly with antibiotics & diabetes. If it is yeast, it can be treated with a pill or cream. Your Doctor can write this for you.
Sounds like a yeast infection that needs further treatment, it would be reasonable to try a longer course of an over the counter treatment and if symptoms don’t resolve you need to have an exam and further testing.
It sounds like you still have a yeast infection I would repeat the dose but if unable to get to a physician's office get Monistat 7 vaginal cream or the 3-day suppository until you can get into being seen if there is no change after the use of the Monistat.