Surgeon Questions Anal Fissure

Should I stop taking my blood thinners before my anal fissure surgery?

I have had a bypass and now need to get an anal fissure surgery done. Should I stop taking my blood thinners to avoid any complications during the surgery?

6 Answers

Discuss with Surgeon. You have to be very careful, since you can ahve a heart attack during the procedure because your blood is too thick.
Depends on the type of blood thinners. Most surgeons will allow aspirin but have you stop other medication. Best to ask your own surgeon.
Yes and no. I use laser to do all and do not take out any pill. If it will be by scalpel, yes, I make them stop 7 days prior the surgery.
You should stop taking any type of blood thinner at least 2 weeks before any surgery. You should talk to your doctor and ask what they want you to do.

I wish you well.

Yes. You should definitely stop taking blood thinners before a surgery unless you just had a recent stent placed in the heart. Blood thinners could cause major bleeding, even for a minor procedure.
The simple answer is yes. The type of blood thinner you are on will mean a different amount of time you need to stop taking it. Either your surgeon, anesthesiologist, or pre-operative nursing team will guide you in managing your blood thinners.