Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Vaccination question?

I received a one-dose J&J vaccine in April of 2021 and got covid in October 2021. Should I revaccinate with a two dose mRNA vaccine? Or should I just receive a booster? Is there any adverse risk to starting the vaccine process over with an mRNA vaccine?

Male | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 3
Medications: Lisinopril
Conditions: High Blood pressure

3 Answers

Thanks for the question. There is no risk, other than those with the vaccine itself, regardless of your history. You need one booster dose of any of the available vaccines.
I think that you can re-vaccinate with J&j or get one of the mRNA vaccines. No specific dangers that I am aware of.
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Revaccinate with Moderna if possible. Risks minimal and much less than a bad case of COVID- no long-term COVID after effects and no loss of work or social activities if you get reinfected.