Dentist Questions Dentist

Why are my gums swollen after deep cleaning?

My gums are swollen after a deep cleaning. Is it normal? What should I do?

10 Answers

It is quite normal to experience some degree of discomfort after scaling and root planing which frequently is also called deep cleaning. The healing process usually depends on the severity of your periodontal condition before the treatment.
Don't worry! It is absolutely normal that your gum swollen after deep cleaning. It is a normal healing process of your body. It is similar to having an operation of your body, no matter how small it is. Your body will swell up initially due to the accumulation of fluid at a cellular level. Your white cells are gathering around the treated area and start the process of repairing/ healing. The important things that you should do is to follow the post-operative instruction given to you by your dentist. Typically, it means that continue to floss, brush your teeth, using warm salt water rinse, prescription mouth wash, if your dentist prescribed. Some patients may even need to take some low dosage of Doxycycline 20mg for several months after the deep cleaning. If you teeth develop sensitivity to cold temperature, which is also common, then use either some over-the-counter or prescription tooth paste for such sensitivity!
Its normal after deep cleaning - it should go down.Rinse with Listerine
After a deep cleaning, some tenderness of the gum tissue can be expected but if your tissue is noticeably swollen, you should contact your dentist immediately. In the meanwhile, keep your teeth immaculately clean, flossing and brushing as directed. Running hot water over your brush can soften the bristles if your tissue is tender. Warm salt water rinses not only feel good but can also facilitate healing.
It may be the result of a flareup from an underlying condition or if the "deep" cleaning involved a surgical incision. Otherwise, swelling is not "normal" and you should have the doctor or hygienist who performed it reevaluate your issue.
Tarter causes swelling of gums. After deep cleaning the tarter is removed and what you feel & see is the swollen gums. That should subside soon. Warm salt water rinse should help. With regards, Thanks.
Probably from the procedure, ?? When the procedure done ( a few days or
weeks ) if more than a week please ️ With your doctor ).
Dr Mansour
It is not uncommon for your gums to be a little swollen. I would rinse with warm salt water. If it persists I would contact the dentist office for them to take a look.

Best regards,

John Zalesky, DMD, MBS, FICOI
Colorado AGD President
When plaque builds up and is allowed to remain on the teeth over time, it hardens at the gum line and inflames the gums. A good hygienist will be sure to remove all of this tartar from the gumline.

Following a thorough cleaning, even when done gently, the gums may be sore afterwards, because they were inflamed as a result of the plaque buildup. However, the good news is now they have a chance to heal, especially as you keep them clean through brushing, flossing, and returning for your next cleaning on schedule.
The gums can be irritated and inflamed after a deep cleaning because it does aggravate the tissue. However, the gums should start to tighten up within a few days and show more health in a few weeks.
That's why it's important to do the 4-6 week follow-up to make sure everything is healing as expected!