Dentist Questions Teething

Why is my daughter still not teething?

My daughter is 2 years old and still does not have any of her teeth. Is this normal?

15 Answers

No. Speak to your dentist or consult a pediatric dentist
No, it's not. Call the closest dentist for a follow-up.
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No. You should have her checked to make sure there are teeth developing.
Some kids get their teeth later and lose them later, but let a pediatric see her as well.
Usually babies start teething between 5-7 months and usually starts with the lower front baby teeth. I would recommend seeing a pediatric dentist if there are no baby teeth visible at age 2.
You should check with a pediatric dentist. Some kids can be a bit delayed with eruption.
This is a little bit late to not have any teeth, although not completely out of the question. Teeth usually begin to erupt around age 1 and can vary from there. I would seek the advice of your dentist to see if they can determine if there are any on the way. There are some syndromes where children do not develop teeth, however there would be many other signs and symptoms that your child would have along with that. If your child has normal overall health then a syndrome is unlikely.
This is not normal. Seek a dental opinion asap.
No it isn't. Take her to a pediatric dentist and they will likely take an x-ray to see if there are any teeth even present.
Teething age is relative, but 2 years of age seems to be a little late. Consult with a pediatric dentist.
Dear parent,

Teething usually begins between four and seven months of age. The timing of teething is not as important as the sequence of teething. We typically look for the bottom front teeth to erupt followed by the top front teeth followed by the side teeth, etc. It is the sequence that we typically find to be the most importance and teething. That average age of 4 to 7 months is just an average age. Many times, the teeth do not come in for way after that time or Sometimes before that time as well. We also look at the development of the child. For example we look to see that all other milestones are being made. If all of the milestones are being made we do not concern ourselves with the timing of those tooth eruption. If those other milestones are not being made, then we look for other possibilities.

Dr. Jensen
This is within the normal range. It depends upon the individual. Try to do a panorex X-ray to show If the teeth are inside.
Dear parent,

Thank you for your question!

I do not want to alarm you, but in my professional opinion I think you should consult with your local dentist asap. Please see the following website to guide you:


I hope this answers your question.


*When Do Teeth Usually Appear?*

Babies are born with most of their teeth already formed within their gums, and they usually begin to appear by the age of six months <>. The two lower front teeth emerge first, followed by the four upper front teeth, then the remaining two lower front teeth. The rest generally arrive two at a time – one on each side of the mouth – and by the age of three, nearly all children have a complete set of 20 primary teeth.

*When Is a Delay Considered Abnormal?*

Kids with no teeth by the age of 18 months should be taken to see a dentist, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP <>. Four to 15 months of age is the normal range for the appearance of the first tooth, and the other teeth usually follow in a regular schedule. Most children have four teeth by the time they are 11 months old, eight teeth at 15 months, 12 teeth at 19 months, 16 teeth at 23 months and 20 teeth at 27 months. Permanent teeth begin to appear around six years of age. Teeth that do not follow this normal eruption pattern aren't necessarily a concern, but no teeth at all can indicate more advanced problems in a few cases.

*What Causes It?*

A number of things may be to blame when a child's tooth eruption falls outside the normal schedule. Sometimes, late tooth eruption is simply a family trait. Preemie and low-birthweight babies may also experience delayed tooth eruption, and the teeth can have enamel defects that come with it. Research cited in the American Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics <> suggests some rare genetic abnormalities that cause poorly formed teeth and late tooth appearance as well, such as amelogenesis imperfecta and regional odontodysplasia. Nutritional deficiency and vitamin D-resistant rickets can also cause a delay, though it may be a symptom of Down's Syndrome, hypopituitarism or a similar developmental defect.

*Is Delayed Tooth Eruption Harmful?*

Delayed tooth eruption that is not part of a broader problem isn't a serious concern, but it may create a higher risk of dental problems <> later in life. In fact, a study of children who were genetically predisposed to late tooth eruption found their chances of needing orthodontic treatment by 30 years old was 35 percent higher. In addition, keep in mind primary teeth play an important role in helping kids eat well, and are a guide for permanent teeth to serve the same purpose. When these teeth finally appear, they require regular cleaning with a toothpaste for infants and a soft-bristled brush such as Colgate® My First® Toothbrush <> to prevent early decay.

For most children with no teeth, a delay is simply an opportunity for parents to enjoy their gummy smile a little longer. Nonetheless, the parents should arrange a dental visit for children whose teeth appear later than the regular schedule – especially if they're worried the delay may indicate a more serious issue. Caring for your child's teeth, however late they erupt, gives them the best start for long-lasting oral health.
Here’s a link to an article that might answer your question:

Usually the first baby tooth erupts around 6 months of age, which is the lower front tooth. The eruption of baby tooth/teeth can be earlier or delayed due to few factors, which can be hereditary or local or systemic. However, I have seen several kids having their first tooth after 2 years of age. It would be best to see a pediatric dentist for thorough assessment, identify any risk factors and to receive reassurance or anticipatory guidance.


Dr. Naveen Loganathan