Preventative Medicine Specialist Questions Viral Infections

Do antibiotics work even for a viral infection?

I have a viral infection, and the doctor prescribed me a Z Pak. What should I do at home to make sure that nobody in my family gets sick as well?

3 Answers

The Z pac (antibiotics only work for bacterial infections). I would ask provider why they prescribed. Good infection control including washing hands and using antibacterials, covering mouth when coughing, etc. cuts down on spread of viral infections to others. Dr. Payne-Foster
Z Pak is not for viral infection but for secondary bacterial infection. To prevent the spread of a viral infection within your family: isolate yourself in a separate room, practice good hand hygiene, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoid sharing utensils and personal items, regularly clean and disinfect surfaces, consider wearing a mask, monitor symptoms in family members, and follow your healthcare provider's instructions for medication. Consult with a healthcare professional for specific guidance tailored to your situation.
Antibiotics do not work on viral infections. If, however, the viral infection is complicated by a superimposed bacterial infection, then antibiotics may be helpful. But no…antibiotics should not be given for a viral infection.

David Wishnew, MD