Ophthalmologist Questions Contact Lenses

Are contact lenses safe to use every day?

I am a 28 year old female. I have issues with my sight and want to wear contact lenses. Are contact lenses safe?

5 Answers

Yes. So long as you are fit by a reputable eye doctor and you NEVER sleep with them on.

Jeffrey D. Gold, MD
Contact lenses have tens of millions of users. They have been thoroughly tested. See your ophthalmologist for proper fitting and power and you should be comfortable, clear, and safe.
By and large, contacts are safe to wear if you adhere to the care instructions.
Yes, it can be safe to use contacts everyday. Do NOT sleep in them, however!
Yes, if you use disposable ones and do not reuse after every 8 hours. Monthly contact lenses require proper cleaning techniques and antiseptic solutions to prevent blinding eye infections.