“I am 18 years old and I have a relative who behaves inappropriately with me. What should I do?”
I am a 18 year old girl, and my family has this friend who is almost like a relative to me. Lately, he has been acting very inappropriately towards me, being flirty and randomly touching me (nothing sexual, but it makes me uncomfortable). I don’t know how to handle this, and I have a feeling my family wouldn't believe me. What should I do?
2 Answers
Most importantly: TRUST YOUR GUT! It's telling you something is off. You said he's being inappropriate and you state that it's nothing sexual, but being flirty and touchy is kind of pre-sexual - does that make sense? I would definitely recommend talking to a therapist about this and why you don't think you would be believed by your family. You might consider trying to set some boundaries with him, but if this doesn't feel doable, you might consider avoiding any events/gatherings where he may be. If this isn't possible, do your best to never be alone with him. Your discomfort is giving you some really important information and I hope you're able to listen to it. Good luck and be safe.
It is wise of you to be cautious when you feel uncomfortable with someone. You need to trust your gut and if you can, let him know that you are not comfortable with what he is doing. Also, as a mother of 3 myself, I know that I would want to know if someone was making my daughter feel this way. I don't know your family, but you don't know how they will react until you try. If you continue to feel uncomfortable and do not feel ready to talk to your parents or let him know how you feel, maybe there is a counselor at school you can talk to. Take care of yourself and listen to your felt sense.