Ophthalmologist Questions Behcet's Syndrome

What causes Behcet's disease in a person and how can it be treated?

My neighbor has been diagnosed with Behcet's disease. I've never heard of it before, and they haven't gone into too much detail of what it really is. What causes this disease and how is it usually treated?

4 Answers

Behcet's disease is a relatively uncommon disease in the United States. It was first described by the Turkish dermatologist Hulusi Behcet in the early 20th century. It is more common in that part of the world and is believed to have some genetic predisposition. The genetic marker HLA B51 is more common but not uniformly present in patients with Behcets syndrome. The disease is characterized by inflammatory lesions involving the blood vessels throughout the body. Lesions can involve the skin, mucous membranes, genitals, joints, the central nervous system and the eyes, and virtually every other system in the body. It is treated with medications that suppress the immune response, and there are multiple available treatments but at this time no cure. For further information, consider contacting the American Behcet's Disease Association.
Behcet's disease is in the auto-immune spectrum. You can read about it with the following link:

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It is usually treatment with immune suppressants, i.e., steroids or other autoimmune meds.
Bechet's disease is an autoimmune disorder and the cause is unknown. The disease is treated with immune suppression with drugs that will have side effects, which can be serious. See your doctor for advice.