Ophthalmologist Questions Blood Clots

I have a blood clot in my eyes. Is it serious?

I have a blood clot in my right eye and the vision in this eye is slightly blurred compared to the other eye. Is it something to be concerned about?

8 Answers

A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.

Yes, see an Ophthalmologist.
If this hemorrhage is on the white surface of the eye and is not a recurrent event, it is typically something that will resolve in a few days. if it is extensive, or repetitive, or you are referring to a blood clot in any other area, such as inside the eye or in front of the pupil, it should be evaluated promptly.
Not really, use some chilled artificial tears, it clears up within a few days.
It depends on where the blood clot is located in the eye. You would definitely need to be seen as an emergency case. If it is a sub conjunctival bleeding it is not serious. An arterial blood clot immediately cause loss of vision. Venous thrombosis is the most common cause of blood clots in the eye.
Need more information for a specific answer. Where is the clot? Is it inside the eye or on the surface? Are you on blood thinners? If inside, is it in the front or the back? Are you a diabetic?  Or have sickle cell anemia?  Blood in or on the eye varies from benign to serious. If you have seen an ophthalmologist about this, you probably have, or are close to the answer. If you simply have seen blood on the eye surface and have not seen a consultant about this, it is far more likely to be benign.

YES! The eye is an extension of the brain. A blood clot in the eye indicates serious possibilities of a blood clot forming and going to (other parts of) the brain!! Please see a competent ophthalmologist (MD; not OD) or retina specialist.
If it's a subconjunctival hemorrhage, it is not serious and will heal in a week. Check for hypertension and diabetes.