Internist Questions Cellulitis

Can men have cellulitis?

I'm 29 and male. I have noticed that skin on my legs is a bit weird and it looks like I have cellulitis. Can men have this?

5 Answers

Cellulitis is a term used for infection on/in the skin. In beauty circles, it is used as a sign of fat or loose skin - a misnomer. But yes, anybody can get a "cellulite."
Soft tissue infection, also known as cellulitis does not respect gender or age. Simple answer is yes, a man can have cellulitis. Many different organisms may be the culprit, MRSA is especially problematic. Therefore, it is important to have this checked out by your medical doctor.
Yes, men and women can both have cellulitis. It is an infection involving the skin, so anyone with skin can acquire this.

Anna Duncan