Psychologist Questions Anxiety

Should I take my son to a psychologist to remove the fear of exams from his mind?

My son panics at the thought of exams. He gets a fever and is even unable to concentrate. Do you think a psychologist can help him?

13 Answers

A psychologist could be very helpful in identifying the contributing factors to your son's panic. Is he trying to live up to someone's spoken or unspoken expectations, what's reinforcing this perfectionism, etc.
It's possible that a psychologist or a psychiatrist could help him.
There's a very good chance that an experienced psychologist could be of great help in the situation you describing. I suggest contacting some of the psychologists in your area and interviewing them them by phone or email and then schedule an appointment to see the one (or ones) who provide you with the most confidence that they could provide help with the situation.
Most fears and phobias can be treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by a trained psychologist. The psychologist can conduct systematic desensitization technique where his fears will slowly cease.
Yes. I do question the fever. Anxiety doesn't cause a fever. It can cause sweating but not a fever.
Yes, a psychologist can help him both with his generalized anxiety and his situational trigger of exams. We have many effective treatments for your son's situation, e.g. psychotherapy: exposure and systematic desensitization, as well as medications to reduce or eliminate his panic. Exams are a necessary part of schooling and he shouldn't have to needlessly suffer.
Yes. A psychologist could serve as another supportive, encouraging adult in his life and help him: 1) identify irrational fears or negative thoughts and replace them with rational, positive alternatives, 2) develop coping skills to deal with symptoms of anxiety that he finds distressing and interfere with him demonstrating his potential, 3) understand how to more effectively prepare for exams to increase successful performance on them, 4) resolve any underlying issues contributing to his current difficulties.
This behavior is not inborn. It was learned. As his parent, you probably have a better idea than anyone, except him, as to why he fears exams. Address the issue. See the cause. Discuss it. If you had any part of the cause, apologize and reassure. If you didn't have any part of the cause, apologize for not seeing him clearly enough, talking and understanding clearly enough, and tell him now that you hear, see and understand, you are sure that he need not fear his exams. All he has to do is continue to do his best, and that will always be enough for you and for him. There is no one who can reassure him and help to heal his injury like you.

Dr. Faye
Yes! A few sessions with a well-trained hypnosis specialist (see ASCH.ORG) can be very effective!

Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist
Absolutely! This is a problem we help students with all of the time.

Deborah Wagner, PhD, LLC
It is a fantastic idea to help your son overcome test anxiety with the help of a psychologist.

Good luck!
Test anxiety is not uncommon, and yes, have him see a psychologist to help him through his issue.
Well maybe a therapist, doesn’t have to be a psychologist. Yet to save you money in case you don’t have insurance for that then try to let him know that it’s alright to get things wrong. That is how we learn. He must feel pressured to get things right and not flunk, etc. He needs to know from his parents that it is alright and he will be more relaxed and if he has pressures from his school and students, then you can help him relax from that in the same manner.