Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Fitness

Can working out too much be bad for my health?

I'm 21 years old and have friends that go to the gym all the time. I'm thinking about starting too, but I'm afraid that working out too much can mess up my health. Can it?

6 Answers

It can cause overuse injuries but not usually in a 21 year old
Done properly, it will not.
How much is too much, my partner Dr. Jesse Morse, exercises 10-20 hours per week. Avoid doing the same body parts too close together. If running avoid 19+ miles/week.
Not usually, unless too many supplements or even steroids get into the picture. By far the biggest problem I see here is not being balanced with all muscle groups. Like, doing bench and leg presses only. Maxing out too often with weights or doing squats all the way to the floor etc. can be damaging. No need to go below 90 degrees at the knees with squats or leg presses. Past that will lead to knee problems. Ignoring core strength and flexibility is a huge mistake and very often overlooked.
There’s a balance between working out all the time and recovery. If you work out so much that you end up with an overuse injury then you’ve done too much. You can start with an every other day program and consider working with a qualified trainer to make sure you are using the weights correctly. There have actually been studies that show there is no top limit to exercise unless you get hurt. Good luck. Being fit will be a huge benefit to your long term health!
Actually that is true. Your body does need rest in between workouts. If you are strength training your muscles need rest in between to grow. I see many overuse injuries because people don’t give their body enough rest.