Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Dry skin

The skin on my feet is so dry. Could this be because of my diabetes?

I have had diabetes for the last 9 years and am pretty diligent with my treatment. I am noticing that my feet are getting very dry. Could this be because of my diabetes?

4 Answers

Diabetes is know to cause dry legs and feet, it good to use moisturizer daily after showers, and should see a podiatrist to check the blood flow and nerves
Diabetes is one of the possible causes of dry skin. Consult your physician to recommend an over the counter skin moisturizing lotion.
Yes. You probably should see a podiatrist once a year anyway. Using moisturizing creams, which are sold over the counter in any pharmacy will help
Yes it could. Dry skin, especially on the feet, is very common. This should be treated. There are now on the market many skin creams formulated for people with diabetes. Get some and use it regularly. One of the best I have used over the years is called UDDER BUDDER. It's what farmers use on cows to keep the tips soft. You can get it in any store that sells animal supplies or medicines.