Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can I crack my lower back like a chiropractor?

I am a 33 year old female. I want to know how can I crack my lower back like a chiropractor?

11 Answers

I would advise against cracking your own back. A lot of the times when one tries to do this they will get the popping sound to occur and they may even get temporary relief, however, it is not typically taking care of the problem. I would continue going in to see your chiropractor and getting your bones aligned properly. At times, the bone that is actually the problem or that may be causing pain is not the one moving when patients try moving things on their own at home. That segment is typically more stuck and the bones above and below it are the ones that move in that instant. Thus only creating temporary relief as the main problem is still there. Get in to see your chiropractor.
So, the best way to learn how to do it is to go to chiropractic school. Next best is to go to a chiropractor for them to treat you. Do not try to do it yourself, there's a reason we are a medical profession. You brush your teeth, but still go to the dentist.
Unfortunately, there is no way to crack your back like a chiropractor. HOWEVER, if i were to try on myself, I'd imagine it would look like a yoga posture, so try some poses and see if that helps.
That's not a good idea. The issue is, when two bones are stuck out of place opposite each other they are harder to move than the bones that move properly. and when you put a significant amount of force into the spine enough to move a bone, and don't properly stabilize the levels above or below the fixated area, the bones that have proper range of motion will actually move further than they should, causing damage. Over a long time it can cause spinal degeneration.
Doing it like a chiropractor would be difficult considering you won’t be able to get the same leverage and pressure that we could. However, getting some good “cracks” in the lower back can be accomplished by laying on your back, bringing your knees to your chest, and twisting side to side. You should typically hear some good releases in the back area.

Vishal K. Verma DC CCSP

You can't. No possible way.

Your in health,

Doc J

It's best to see your chiropractor.
I’d avoid trying to do that as you can do way more harm than good. If you’re in pain, I’d look to do some strengthening exercises in your areas of pain in the meantime until you can get to your chiropractor.
You can stretch your low back, which may cause it to pop and crack. However, it will not provide the same effect as a chiropractic adjustment.
It is not possible to crack your own back with the same specificity, force, and accuracy that another person (a professional) can.
Hi there! When a Chiropractor goes to make an adjustment, he is doing so with a specific goal in mind. We look for restrictions in movement within the vertebral column or extremities. This is only done after we have completed a thorough exam on the patient. The answer to your question is, it's really not possible to achieve the same adjustment by yourself that you would with a trained doctor who knows exactly what segments need to move. Just because we can twist our backs and hear noises does it mean those noises are doing the same thing that happens when you get a chiropractic adjustment.