Dentist Questions Dry Socket

How can dry socket be prevented?

I have a dry socket in the back of my mouth. Right now I'm taking pain relievers to help with it. But is there anything else I can do to treat it at home? Also, how can dry sockets be prevented?

9 Answers

Dry sockets are painful. It is believed that losing the blood clot that has formed in the extraction site is major. Smoking is another. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water frequently. When you eat, rinse. Have you contacted your dentist? There are predicaments that can be placed in the socket.

You will not be able to treat it yourself. In a dry socket, there is no clot left covering the bone and the bone is inflamed. If not treated, you run the risk of a secondary infection. The socket needs to be rinse and packed to cover the bone. It can be packed with several different materials. When the extraction is done, if there is not a good clot in the socket, some collagen or re-absorbable hemostatic gauze can be placed to stabilized the clot and help prevent a dry socket. Sometimes that may have to be secured with a suture. During the first day, it is important to not spit, rinse, or drink out of a straw or can. Nothing that will create suction and possible pull the clot out of the socket.
There is really nothing that can help treat it at home. The socket needs to be packed to help relieve the symptoms. Preventing a dry socket involves not smoking, no drinking through a straw, no carbonated beverages or alcohol. Taking things easy for a few days helps as well.

Dr. Brandon Nicholson, D.D.S.
Avoid smoking and sucking through a straw after an extraction. Brushing and flossing in the area should also be avoided along with mouthwash!
Sometimes it cannot be prevented. Best ways to prevent—absolutely no smoking anything. If use puffers or inhalers—rinse mouth after use. Do not use straws or create any suction by drinking from bottles or eating by slurping food. Keep area clean after meals.
Try rinsing with oil of cloves. This is what dentist place in the socket and it called Eugenol.We believe it is caused by not having a blood supply to the extraction socket. If I take out a tooth I utilize ozonated olive oil and O-Zone and I’ve had a lot less dry sockets Is this opens the blood supply which prevents dry sockets. You may have to see your dentist for a treatment to get out of pain

Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Dry socket is the result of loss of the blood clot from the removal site leaving exposed bone which is sensitive and painful. It is treated with a packing material that is placed and then removed every 3-5 days until enough tissue grows to cover the bone so the pain is resolved. Ways to prevent dry socket are to avoid the following after tooth removal: smoking, sucking through straws, carbonated beverages, vigorous swishing/rinsing. Return to the dentist who removed your tooth/teeth so he/she can get you more comfortable during the healing process.


Dr. Rankin
Dry socket is very painful. The best thing you can do is return to the dentist that extracted the tooth. There is a simple procedure where dry socket paste is placed in the extracted site with iodoform gauze. Instant relief! You will need a follow up to remove the gauze. I am not sure if there is a way to avoid dry socket. It just happens sometimes.
Dry socket occurs when the blood clots is removed. Flowing an extraction. There is not much that can be done to prevent it, but some measures can help such as avoid smoking, sucking motion, carbonated drinks, and vigorous swishing.