Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions High Blood Sugar glucose

My sugar levels are high. What to do next?

I just took a generic blood test which indicated that my blood sugar levels are high. What is the next step? Does it mean I am diabetic or could it be a one off?

6 Answers

It does not mean you have diabetes, but you should have further blood work done with a physician. If your test was done shortly after you ate or drank something, your glucose can be outside of the normal range.
I recommend that you see a primary care doctor as soon as possible
It depends on how high the level was and if you were fasting. A better estimate and the next step should be testing a hemoglobin a1c. This shows an average of the last 90 days of blood glucose.
You could have diabetes. The next step is to corroborate with an A1C test. This is also a blood test, and if this also comes back as over 6, then it confirms the diagnosis. You should start with a better diet, stop all concentrated sugars like juices (which is a good thing for anyone), reduce fatty foods, balance protein intake, and exercise after every meal for 10 minutes. Please visit my website, www.glandscenter.com for further details and contact info.
Good luck!
Dr. Sunil
Usually, it’s a good enough screen. I would recheck and have a glucose challenge test. If positive, you have diabetes. Can improve on it if you eat healthy, keep close to ideal body weight and keep physically active.
I can't answer this question without knowing what your BS was. The present criteria are: Normal=Fasting BS of 100 or less, 101-126=prediabetes and >126 is diabetes. If a Hemoglobin A1c test was done <5.6%=normal, 5.6-6.5%=prediabetes & >6.5%=diabetes. So where do you fall. If your values are close to any of these, get retested to varify & get both tests-Fasting BS & HbA1c. If you values are higher than these then talk to a physician knowledgable in diabetes and start treatment, The earlier treatment is started, the better you will do.