Naturopathic Physician Questions Naturopathic Medicine

Does a naturopathic physician treat conditions through medication?

Do naturopathic physicians usually treat health conditions with medication or is it only through lifestyle changes?

22 Answers

I suppose it depends on your definition of medication. Naturopathic physicians are licensed and trained to prescribe and manage pharmaceutical medication when and if the need arises. We mostly prefer to use naturopathic modalities to meet therapeutic and palliative needs as we work to recover someones vitality.
It depends on the condition. Some conditions require medication while others do not. Lifestyle changes are foundational to any well planed treatment plan. It means that your plan will have better success if the lifestyle changes are in place. Sometimes medications can be lowered or even discontinued depending on pertinent labs indicating the desired changes.
The scope of practice may vary between states. Many western states are able to prescribe medication while eastern states are less likely to be able to. The still have other tools such as herbal and vitamin based supplements they can use to treat various conditions
Many naturopathic doctors do use pharmaceutical medications. However the philosophy in naturopathic medicine is to use medications when necessary and try to address the root cause. Typically lifestyle changes will be used in conjunction with medication.
It depends on state licensing. I know, here, in WA state, ND's can prescribe and manage most medications. That is simply one tool in their toolbox though. There are also the lifestyle changes, herbs, homeopathy, nutraceuticals & supplements, hydrotherapy, counseling, teaching, bodywork, and someone who is willing to treat the whole person, listen, find the root cause of symptoms and help to remove obstacles to cure.
Hi there! Thanks for the question. Yes naturopathic doctors treat conditions, when appropriate. It may also vary state-by-state too. Each state determines their own laws by which an ND must practice. In my state of Colorado, I am not able to prescribe medications so I use botanical medicine, homeopathy and lifestyle changes.
Hello - If you find a qualified and licensed naturopathic physician they may practice to prescribe medications to be able to help all disease processes and/or modify prescribed dosing that is suitable to other health factors they will evaluate. Most use both lifestyle/natural/alternative therapies with intermittent or acute/chronic phase based prescribing. I tend to use the A-Z scale of medicine - meaning I treat most effective, with least invasive, safest natural forms first then as needed move up the scale if prescriptions are necessary in acute or chronic conditions so that we help patient at all levels of symptoms, pain, and healing.
Naturopathic physicians have training in many treatment modalities. That does include pharmaceuticals! Now, it unfortunately does depend on the state whether they are able to prescribe these medications. However, there are many potential treatments we might give to begin with! That might include medication or dietary and lifestyle factors. It also might be herbs, supplements, homeopathy, physical medicine, biofeedback, or IV name a few. It all really depends on the doctor and the person being treated.
A naturopathic doctor uses holistic ways to help their patients. As a naturopathic doctor, we do not use conventional medicine, we use herbs, supplements, amino acids, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, massage, etc.
Hi there! Thanks for your question!

Naturopathic doctors generally treat slightly differently across the board, but are trained in Natural remedies/medicines primarily. Lifestyle changes can be an important part as well in a treatment plan, too.
I hope this helps!

Medicine with Heart Team
It depends on the state where the doctor has their license to practice. My license is in Arizona and I prescribe medication when necessary. I also utilize natural modalities to treat so patients are not on medication too long.

Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
Naturopathic physicians use naturally derived medicines but will use drug therapy as a last resort. Naturally derived medicines such as herbs, homeopathic and nutraceuticals work much better with the body's own healing mechanisms unlike drugs.

Naturopathic physicians use many treatment and therapy tools, including medications (natural and pharmaceutical). However, unlike conventional doctors, naturopaths don’t typically jump to using them first/right away unless it’s truly warranted. Also, some states allow us to prescribe medication while other states do not. Although lifestyle changes are an important foundation for healthy living and reversing many conditions, that is just one of many approaches used to help show the body how to heal itself or give the body what it needs to fix and support repair.
Naturopathic physicians focus on the root cause of disease, which for chronic disease is up to 80% (or more) due to diet and lifestyle. Addressing diet and lifestyle must happen if one wants to age healthily. Medication can be prescribed in some states by naturopathic physicians, and medication can be and is used in conjunction with diet, lifestyle, supplements and herbals when a patient needs immediate support, has waited too long for diet and lifestyle changes alone to be of benefit in early stages of treatment, or is noncompliant to suggested changes to health.
We use medicines in addition to lifestyle.
It depends on the condition. Our services take into account a broad scope, so we will look at what lifestyle changes will best aid in the recovery of your issue. Often times there are acute issues which require medication, you can always do both.
No, it's a combination. Depending on the severity of the condition, medication may be required. But lifestyle changes are definitely a factor in helping any health condition
As a Naturopathic Medical doctor I treat using the full range of therapeutics, which includes prescriptions and minor surgery procedures, when warranted.
Depends on the state they are practicing in. In some states they are primary care physicians with prescriptive rights and use them. Our training is such that we are trained to use medication or whatever means necessary to treat health conditions at the root.
Depending on the state you live in, naturopathic physician can use prescription medication, but this is usually temporarily or as a last resort. Not all 50 states have a scope of practice for naturopathic physician and the not all states with a scope of practice allow dispensing of prescription medication. Prescription medication is considered higher level of intervention and we try our best to help correct imbalances of the body through lifestyle or other natural means (i.e nutrition, supplementation, acupuncture, herbal therapy).
Many NDs are qualified to use prescription medications when indicated and safe to augment our use of natural products which of course is our specialty or at least it should be. And lifestyle counseling is at the root of a holistic Naturopathic approach to health. NDs are licensed in half of the states so check your States regulations.