Naturopathic Physician Questions Diets

Is it true that naturopathy medicines only work with the right diet?

I have been told that for naturopathy medicines to work, a proper diet has to be followed. Is this true?

15 Answers

As Naturopathic Doctors we address diet/nutrition and lifestyle first and foremost. If we treat beyond this with supplements, nutraceuticals, etc but the proper nutrition is not in place then we are addressing more symptom management than true healing. It is not that the
supplements/nutraceuticals will not work, but that proper nutrition should also be established to give your body the best chance at optimal health! Hope this helps!
If you are asking if diet can affect ones health, the answer is yes. for help or to schedule
No, but a good diet may enhance healing.
I've seen naturopathic supplements work more efficiently with the right diet, which should be individualized to the patient.

Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the establishment of internal health by providing the right vitamins and minerals (nutrients) so that biochemical activity is optimal. This biochemical activity occurs in the cells and therefore if you can provide the cells with the fuel they need, they will actively work to restore health. To answer your question, diet is important because it is what breaks down and provides nutrients to help restore that balance. As Naturopathic Physicians, we work heavily on the nutrition realm to establish this groundwork in the hopes that as the cells get the fuel they need that they will repair the areas of concern. We couple this with botanicals which often target the organs to further help as well as providing lifestyle recommendations to reach the optimal health goals. In summary, there is a lot that can be done without the dietary component, but that would leave us practicing as green "allopaths" rather than naturopaths. When you use diet, lifestyle, and nutraceuticals together you get the best results, so does the right diet help the medicine Naturopathic Physicians prescribe, YES. Is it the ONLY way that Naturopathic Medicine will work, NO!
Hello. Whether this is true or not, and how true would depend on what your goals are, what your current lifestyle is and how well or quickly you want to make progress.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a naturopathic medicine or a conventional / pharmaceutical medicine - if a person lives a healthy lifestyle (including eating well and other habits), they’re less likely to need to take any medicine in the first place.

Example 1: a person who pretty much only eats stuff like fast food, fried foods, low to no veggies, pastries, processed food, etc is more likely to develop things like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and so on. Once they do develop that condition(s), it would not matter if they go to an MD or an ND (naturopathic doctor), either way they’re going to be given some sort of medicine (drug, natural or both) and told to change their diet. If the person refuses to change their diet, then no matter was prescription or supplement they take, their doses are just going to increase with time and their condition won’t go away. The pills will just at best slow down how fast the disease progresses.

Example 2: a person eats really well such as primarily veggies and fruits, small amount of lean meat, little bread, no processed foods but high cholesterol runs in their family. Even though they exercise regularly and eat well, they inherited high cholesterol. The MD would give them a drug Rx. The ND would give a natural supplement and rather than a whole new diet might make modifications to their current diet like how to cook things or which veggies to include/exclude, or other small tweaks with a goal of not needing the supplement long-term. If the suggestions are followed, it is possible that no prescriptions would be needed to keep the results maintained.
It would be better if you follow a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise, but naturopathy works either way.

Dr. Liz Naturally
Many health issues are due to the health of our gut microbiome. As far as there being one "proper" diet, that would not be the case, but often, dietary modifications may be necessary depending on the health issue.
To an extent that is true. If you eat Oreos and Big Gulps every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there is no amount of supplements I can give you that will counteract that. So, we do make dietary changes. But a good doctor knows to make small, sustainable changes so patients aren't overwhelmed with all of the change at once. Some foods are more important to remove sooner than others but that is completely case dependent. For example, I can recommend a list a mile long of supplements, herbs, and things to do to help avoid migraines, but if you are eating a food that triggers them or are exposing yourself to that trigger on a regular basis, you will never get rid of the migraines without removing the offender.
You are what you eat. It is important to have a well-balanced diet.
Well yes, imagine if you are eating a crappy diet every day, nothing will really work. Its like putting terrible petrol in a brand new car. After a while it will not run well.
No, generally speaking. Proper diet is, of course, very important to support good health and any good doctor should address that. Naturopathic medicines could be anything from Botanicals and supplements to medications and food (food as medicine is a good phrase to remember). But for medicine to function, diet is not key.
Yes. This is true, however, the right diet is specific to the individual. Supplements for a particular condition can help, but it will work better and faster with healthy lifestyle changes (i.e., diet). Supplement use outside of a multivitamin, probiotic, and/or other specifics vitamins/minerals/herbal remedies should be used to correct deficiencies and support physiologic pathways on a short-term basis. The proper diet should be long-term.
Nothing works without a good diet. Here is the best diet in the world!