Gastroenterologist Questions Remicade

REMICADE and weight gain

Prise de poids avec traitement de REMICADE est ce normal?
40 lbs
En 9 mois de traitement

Translation: Is it normal to gain weight during Remicade treatment? I gained 40 lbs in 9 months of treatment.

Disclaimer: This translation was not provided by the patient.

Female | 48 years old
Complaint duration: 17 11 2017
Medications: Remicade au 6semaines
Conditions: Colite ulcereuse

2 Answers

Patients with Crohn's and UC usually lose weight due to active disease. When they get treatment that reduces the inflammation of the bowel, nearly all patients gain weight. Thus it would not be surprising to gain weight after starting Remicade, assuming that it was successful in treating the IBD. Weight gain alone is not a side effect of Remicade, but rather a
consequence of its success.
Hi. It is possible that remicade has helped bring your Ulcerative Colitis into remission and your weight gain is likely due to the healing that’s going on in your body as a result of the treatment.