Dentist Questions Dentist

Should I get my teeth cleaned before whitening?

I am a 27 year old male. I will have a teeth whitening treatment next week. Should I get my teeth cleaned before whitening?

9 Answers

Good question. Absolutely yes! Do not bleach your teeth without a cleaning and polishing professionally by a Dentist or a Hygienist.
Yes. The more plaque, tarter, and stain removed, the easier it will be for the bleaching material to access your teeth.
Hope this helps.

Steven Chamish
If it has been awhile since your last hygiene visit, I would recommend having them cleaned before whitening. Your teeth will still whiten, but it might not be as effective as having a recent professional cleaning.

Hope this helps,

Jossi Stokes, DDS

You should definitely get your teeth cleaned before whitening. That way any external staining, plaque, or calculus can be removed beforehand and allow for the best whitening potential.

Congrats on deciding to get whiter teeth. Yes, you should get your teeth cleaned before you have a whitening procedure. Teeth often pick up stains that we do not know about, and putting whitening gel on these stains would be useless for you. It will give you better results to remove any stains first and then whitening your teeth.
Best of luck!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
For maximum results, it is best to have your teeth cleaned prior to a whitening treatment.

I think it is better to remove plaque first before whitening.