Councelor/Therapist Questions Clinical Depression

Can a therapist help my mother with depression?

My mother is suffering from multiple health problems, which is causing her depression and some mental fatigue. Should I consult a therapist to help her deal with her condition better?

4 Answers

Yes, I would definitely recommend you get her in to see a mental health therapist.
Absolutely. Depression is part of the freeze response (from fight, flight, freeze). It may also be tied to her health problems. Trauma and stored survival energy gets trapped in our physiology, disrupting the regulation of our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), directly contributing to both mental and physical health issues. I recommend finding a therapist who is trained in Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice, and/or Brainspotting. Accessing the somatic body (not just thoughts) is key for bringing the system back to better regulation. For your own further research, check out these books: In an Unspoken Voice and Waking the Tiger: Peter Levine, 8 Keys to Brain-Body Balance and The Body Bears the Burden: Robert Scaer, Nurturing Resilience: Kathy Kain, and When the Body Says No: Gabor Mate, and The Body Keeps the Score: Bessel van der Kolk.
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Yes! A therapist can help in many ways, to name a few: CBT to help with negative and/self defeating thoughts, teaching self-soothing exercises, psycho-social educational information, support with attempts to help normalize her situation, evaluation and referral if supportive medicine would be helpful.
Wish you and your mom the best!
Certainly having multiple health problems can be draining and be depressing. Is your mother willing to seek counseling? A counselor can help her manage the psychological toll your mother's physical health is having on her and you are doing a great job encouraging her to seek help. If she is unwilling, it might help you to speak to a counselor to learn how to support your mother through what sounds like big challenges.