Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What are warning signs you have diabetes?

I am a 37 year old female. I wonder what are warning signs you have diabetes?

3 Answers

The warning signs of diabetes are excessive urination without pain, thirst, lightheadedness, blurred vision, wt loss...these are signs of severe glucose intolerance with very elevated sugars. In people without these findings, they may be diabetic also, but need to be tested to determine their glucose tolerance. Most of these people have risk factors for diabetes, which include obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, kidney disease, family history of diabetes or belong to an ethnic group with high prevalence of diabetes.
Best to see your doctor to discuss these factors.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
In addition to the classic symptoms of polidypsia, polyurea, and polyphagia, other warnings are calf pain with walking anderectil. Other signs of diabetes are blurred vision, leg cramping, numbness of the feet, itching, and erectile dysfunction.
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See the American Diabetes Association web site for detailed info on this. The site is ADA.edu They list 9 signs of developing diabetes. These include wt. gain & obesity, if female having a baby that weighs over 9 #, a family history of diabetes, excess thirst & urination, etc. There are 2 types of diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 and the early signs are different so I would refer you to the ADA for details of each. The info from them is free.