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What can I do for a dry socket?

I want to know what can I do for a dry socket?

Female | 28 years old

8 Answers

The best is to see your dentist.
Go back to your dentist and they will be able to help you out with that.
A "dry socket" is a failure of the blood clot to form over the bone where the tooth was extracted. See your dentist. It the mean time; take Ibuprofen of Alleve if you are able to take those types of medication (NSAIDS) and rinses with warm salt water 3 to 5 times per day.
A dry socket requires a special dressing be placed in the socket and your dentist can help you with that. Call your dentist immediately!
Dry socket need to treated by dentist and usually requires applications of medicine
Dry Socket or Alveolar Osteitis can be extremely painful and requires a Dr.’s intervention. Antibiotics, anesthetic (numbing) and placement of a socket dressing are commonly used allowing for normal recovery.
There is treatment available for your problem. Return to the dentist who performed your extraction for treatment of your dry socket.

Sorry to hear about your dry socket!
Dry socket or alveolar osteitis is the loss of the blood clot after a tooth extraction. Depending on when this happens it can be very painful. The blood clot is there to protect the empty tooth socket during the healing process, so if it is lost then there is exposed socket and bone until the gums (gingiva) heals over it.
Since the blood clot is lost, the only thing that can be done is to keep there area clean to help promote healing. If the discomfort is bad, then you can go to the dentist that extracted the tooth and have him/her pack the area with dry socket paste. This gets rid of the pain, but it tastes awful. Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD