Pediatrician Questions Hyperactivity

What causes children to be hyperactive?

My daughter is extremely active, in fact, some even call her hyperactive. What could be the reason for her behavior?

3 Answers

How old is your child? A lot of children around 2 years old are extremely active (That is why it is called the terrible 2s). Is she able to concentrate even though she is busy. If so this is less of a problem. If she cannot concentrate, try removing things that can distract and see if she does better. Does she drink caffiene or tea or eat a lot of chocolate or sugar snacks? If so, try to decrease these. Hyperthyroidism can cause this but is extremely rare and usually there are other symptoms, high heart rate, thin etc.
Nutrition, environment, sleep hygiene, mineral deficiencies can all lead to hyperactive behavior.
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There are genetic and environmental causes as well as risk factors for that type of behavior. We often find that one of the parents exhibited similar behavior as a child. Also, being born prematurely seems to be a risk factor. There is a chance she will "grow out of it" so do your best to model appropriate behavior, find activities where she can use that excess energy, and see how she does as she gets older.