Surgeon Questions surgeon

Why am I having these issues after a hernia mesh?

I had hernia mesh put in about 9 months ago on my left side right above my penis. Now my erections don’t last and I can’t ejaculate. I also have slight pain on the left side of penis. Is this due to the mesh? I also have a pinched nerve in my lower left back.

Male | 50 years old

4 Answers

You had nerve damage. Consult a Urologist.
I cannot say for sure if it is related to the mesh or not. if it was an open procedure (big incision) then not likely, but it would also depend on the exact technique used. If it was a laparoscopic repair, it may be a bit more likely. Did it start right after the repair or was there some time before it started? My best advice is to see a urologist, they may be able to sort this out better than I can from here.
When people get pain after hernia repairs, it is typically located in the groin crease and in the thigh. Erectile and ejaculatory problems are rare after an inguinal hernia repair. The nerves that control sexual function are not located in the same region as groin hernias. I would recommend seeing your surgeon or following up with a urologist for your ongoing symptoms.
Assuming a standard Lichtenstein type inguinal hernia repair, it's not likely. The nerves for erection and ejaculation do not travel through the inguinal region where the surgery occurred and the mesh was placed. Consider seeing a urologist.