My Diagnosis Story

Shirley Buckley: My Diagnosis Story

What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

A very small lump found when checking whilst having my shower, when I touched it, I also had pain.

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

Rang my surgery straight away and saw Dr. 1/2 an hour later.  She could just feel it but didn't think it was anything sinister as it was smooth and hard.  Apparently not the usual signs.  Gave me information to go online and book myself in at a local hospital. A week later went to see consultant, who also didn't think it was sinister, but sent me for mammo and ultra sound, ladies found it and did a biopsy, got appointment for following week to go back.

Upon learning about your diagnosis- what happened next?

Dr.  said it was cancerous and explained it all, where it was etc. and booked me in for a lumpectomy and sentinel nodes removal. Spoke to McMillan nurse who took me through what DR. had said again, talked me through what would happen and gave me a booklet on Breast Cancer. Ten days later had my Operation.