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Michael Panger


Dr. Michael Panger is an anesthesiologist practicing in Charleston, West Virginia. Dr. Panger ensures the safety of patients who are about to undergo surgery. Anestesiologists specialize in general anesthesia, which will (put the patient to sleep), sedation, which will calm the patient or make him or her unaware of the situation, and regional anesthesia, which just numbs a specific part of the body. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Panger also might help manage pain after an operation.
Michael Panger
  • Charleston, West Virginia
  • West Virginia University
  • Accepting new patients

How long does a nerve block last after toe surgery?

Depends on where the local anesthetic is injected. Anywhere from 3 -12 hrs

Can spinal anesthesia cause paralysis?

Yes, but it has been many, many years since this has occurred. It was due to the toxic impurities in the drug. All the drugs used in the US today are from reputable companies with READ MORE
Yes, but it has been many, many years since this has occurred. It was due to the toxic impurities in the drug. All the drugs used in the US today are from reputable companies with extensive standards for purity.

Can you be addicted to anesthesia?

No but some of the medicines used can cause the euphoria you refer to.

What are the advantages of spinal anesthesia?

I think the biggest advantage is avoiding general anesthesia, assuming the procedure is appropriate for a spinal anesthetic. Many times, meds can be added to help with pain control READ MORE
I think the biggest advantage is avoiding general anesthesia, assuming the procedure is appropriate for a spinal anesthetic. Many times, meds can be added to help with pain control post operatively.

What are the side effects of anesthesia on children?

Currently being studied vigorously. Single episodes of short duration cause no identifiable long-term effects. Sedation from medications can be expected.

Can a spinal injection cause nerve damage?

Very unlikely but possible

How do doctors numb your finger before surgery?

Inject local anesthetic in 4 quadrants around your finger using a small needle.

Is anesthesiology used in nursing homes?

Not typically although some anesthesiologists are involved in end of life care, managing medications for comfort of the terminally ill.

Are you sedated for a liver biopsy?

Sometimes. The procedure may be done under either sedation, general anesthesia, or local anesthesia. I would guess you would have any option you like.

Are you awake during oral surgery?

Depends on the procedure, but oral surgery is quite amenable to local anesthesia without sedation. Check with your dentist/surgeon.

Are you awake during regional anesthesia?

Yes. You can request sedation if you like though

How long does local anesthetic last after surgery?

Depends on the local, but you can count on 2-4 hrs

Can I buy local anesthetic?

There are some over-the-counter topical anesthetics available to the public, but not injectables.

Why do you shiver after anesthesia?

Most shivering is because body temperature drops while under anesthesia. However, a good portion of people are not cold and when they shiver, the reason is unknown. It is possibly READ MORE
Most shivering is because body temperature drops while under anesthesia. However, a good portion of people are not cold and when they shiver, the reason is unknown. It is possibly related to the body's stress response because of surgery.

What is the purpose of hospice anesthesia?

Hospice anesthesia is a branch of palliative medicine. It involves the administration of a variety of medicines to control symptoms in patients who are terminally ill.

Is anesthesia safe for babies?

The risks for a 7 year old are similar to those for adults.

What anesthesia is best for children under 12?

There is no one anesthetic that is better or worse. Hopefully, this is not an elective procedure, though. It is best to avoid surgery and anesthesia if at all possible. However, READ MORE
There is no one anesthetic that is better or worse. Hopefully, this is not an elective procedure, though. It is best to avoid surgery and anesthesia if at all possible. However, if she could have a regional anesthetic, that would be better.

How do I prepare for anesthesia?

Simple things. Take any usual medications, follow no food or drink guidelines, bathe as instructed, ask any questions if needed.

Do you have to be intubated for general anesthesia?

No. Intubation need is determined by the medical history of the patient and the procedure.

What type of anesthesia is used for an appendectomy?

You will have what is called general anesthesia, which means you will be given drugs to make you unconscious, pain free, and unaware during the procedure.