Healthy Living

5 Tips for Living with Jock Itch

5 Tips for Living with Jock Itch

Jock Itch is a fungal infection that itches, irritates, infects and inflames the outermost layer of skin. Application of antifungal cream helps control the infection and aggressively eliminates the fungus. But there are people that are frequently exposed to risk factors that attract the infection. They are prone to this kind of infection. For such people, living with jock itch can become a nightmarish mix of irritable symptoms and the side effects of drugs. If jock itch is causing you distress, here are five great guidelines you should follow.

1. The 4 personal hygiene goals make a big difference

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  • Athlete’s foot is usually the entry point to a groin infection through touch and transmission. To avoid contact with infected floors, wear rubber sandals in swimming pool washrooms, hotel saunas, and private spas.
  • Avoid soaps that are laden with harmful chemicals and overpowering fragrances when bathing, and shower regularly after strenuous exercise.
  • Keep the groin area clean and dry using moisture absorbing light cotton underwear and use baby powder to relax the skin.
  • Do not smother the groin skin with tight clothes; keep the area well-aerated using light and loose cotton fabrics.

2. The potency of the aloe vera cure

Taken as a juice, aloe vera cures upset stomachs and aids bowel movements. When it is applied to the body, the gel kills fungal growths while nourishing and rejuvenating the outer skin layer. The gastrointestinal tract and the skin are intimately connected. An overly acidic environment and imbalance in the bacteria in the gut are known to provoke eruptions of the skin. Aloe Vera tackles upset stomachs and skin eruptions with consummate ease.

What to do: Peel off the outer thorny skin of the fleshy Aloe Vera leaf and scoop out the thick translucent gel. Apply the gel directly to the affected skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat three of four times daily until itching subsides.

3. Virgin coconut oil and tea tree oil

These are two of the most potent healing oils used in holistic medicine. Because of their strong antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, these oils do a marvelous job in eliminating infections, and strengthening and nourishing the skin, while keeping it supple. For maximum effectiveness, use only cold pressed, unrefined, and unprocessed virgin coconut oil which retains all healing ingredients. For the best results apply a mix of both oils to the groin immediately after a shower, when the pores of the skin open up and allow for a deeper penetration of the oils in the skin.

4. Diet is the key to wellness

Candida and fungi thrive in an overly acidic environment and feed on sugars and carbohydrates to multiply rapidly. The key in strengthening the body’s response to fungal infections is to cut out sugars and acidic foods like meat, alcohol, and processed foods, instead opting for grains, vegetables, and fruits (sparingly) that promote alkalinity. The dietary switch releases productive enzymes that break down complex carbohydrates and proteins. This accelerates digestion and prevents bloating and constipation.

5. Seeking refuge in sulfur and sulfurous compounds

Sulfur is universally acknowledged as a leading treatment for the skin. It has been used since ancient times to boost skin and beauty treatments. It is now an FDA approved ingredient used extensively in the making of topical ointments that combat bacterial and fungal infections. Sulfur promotes the growth of connective tissue binding skin cells, hair, and nails. A combination shampoo of sulfur and salicylic acid is known to be very effective in treating fungal infection. For a more natural cure, apply a paste of freshly ground onions to leverage the medicinal benefit of sulfur. Incorporating lots of garlic and onion (maximum sulfuric power) in the diet is another way of strengthening the immune system.